12. 3. 2016 – 18.00

Popular Desire

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V današnji oddaji poskušamo najti prve sledi sodobnega potrošništva. Našli jih bomo na zahodu ZDA v zadnjih letih 19. stoletja ter na straneh katalogov podjetja Sears Roebuck & Co.

Izbrane strani kataloga Sears Roebuck & Co. iz leta 1897 in cel katalog iz leta 1901. Novejše kataloge (tudi drugih firm) najdete tu.



Chandler, Alfred D. 1977. The Visible Hand. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press.

Emmet, Boris, John E Jeuck, and Edith Goodkind Rosenwald. 1950. Catalogues And Counters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Katz, Donald R. 1987. The Big Store. New York: Viking.



"Fidel Castro called Sears the least offensive of imperialists, while Sears internal documents referred to the nationalization of the Cuban operation as a 'change in management'."

- Donald R. Katz, The Big Store



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