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Yu asked for it! Very rare *English* Leteči pilot w/ Jernej Kaluža. We'll discuss Trump's loud and proud Slovene fan base, curiously transnational Anti-fa drama, senseless Ben Carson retweets, skulls, the legacy of the Slovenija moja dežela PR campaign, and the copypasta shitstorm that's headed our way if Bernie wins.

Picture: Slovenia gets *another* Trump (family) statue! (It went up the day after the show went live, hence the new image), SOs to Twitter user @peropan1 for the photo!

Background music: Soulesque, Chillout c/o Vodovoz Music Productions 

Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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