Immortal / Machines

Audio file

Bauer: "In this regard I always found Christian Bök’s project – or at least its renderings – of bacteria writing poetry laughable. As though we were consoling ourselves: can you imagine those poor wrecks as poetesses? Well, bacteria are world-builders and world-destroyers, and being immortal at that. Poetry is for the sad man, as Alphaville would say."

Ireland: "There’s a girl, she is peering down at me from somewhere far above the tops of the tall black boots. Even through the face scrambler I can see that she doesn’t mean well. I try to protest, but she is crouched right over me now, holding my head down and pressing something cold against the base of my skull. The chill relents for just a second as if she’s hesitating, and then returns all the more fiercely, accompanied by the full resources of the body’s capacity for pain."

Tomažin: "It is precisely here where the foreign element manifests itself: the inner mechanism which is destroying itself but at the same time exiting the abyss by initiating an action potential, making the heart seem like a random algorithmic noise machine, which obviously has no need to stop. It is the inner alien element, questioning immortality, making clear that a heart transplant is a change of spatial configuration, while atrioventricular blocks mix up points of the time coordinates: why need an artificial heart if the heart knows how to alienate itself well enough."

Artwork: Kladnik & Neon

Co-produced by MKC for the 25th International Festival of Computer Arts.

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