28. 6. 2012 – 22.30

Show 378: Truus Makes Waves by Truus de Groot

Audio file


Johnny Dowd    – presenter

Solex (aka  Elisabeth Esselink) – Instrumentation  on “NY NY”

Kathy Ziegler – Bontempi Organ on “Toilet Dame”

Analog Synthesizers sounds from Worm


Intro by Johnny Dowd

Truus reads from Diary from 1980  (actual recording from 1980)

Truus reads from Diary from 1979

Song:  Done Me wrong Blues (recorded at WORM 2012)

Hoboken Street argument -   (actual recording from 1983)

Song:  Hoboken Runaround –  recorded in Hoboken 1983

Song:  NY NY – written in 1983 (recorded at WORM 2012) instrumentation by Solex

Song:  Seven Rounds  (recorded  at WORM 2012)

Song: Hoboken dirty Kids   - (actual recording from 1983)

Song:  Hector -  (actual recording from 1987)

strange Phone call  – >From Truus’ strange phone call collection

Song: Unlikely Crush – (recorded at WORM 2012)

Song:  Toilet Dame – (recorded at WORM 2012)

Closing words  by Johnny Dowd

Written by Truus de Groot (aka Geertruda De Groot Hrnjak) 2012

Truus Makes waves

An autobiographical opera  by Truus de Groot about her earliest years in the US.  Dealing with the isolation and loneliness through  her ongoing often humorous audio observations that she has collected over the years.

The piece starts out with Truus reading form her Diary in 1980, shortly before her departure to the US.  Just minor observations of a 20 year old, nothing special yet a moment in time.  Not really a clue she would be going to the US mere months later, never to call the Netherlands her home again.

It was an adventure looking back  for her, but at that time these were just impulsive decisions.  Never thinking twice, why am I doing this?  Is there future here??  What will I do?   Her first stop was a connection she made on a whim in Eindhoven, David Linton, who lived in Tribeca, NY.   His roommate was Lee Renaldo, who was at that time painting.     From there her US journey began.

In her isolation she could see the absurd humor of a culture that was so new to her.     The many hours spent just looking at people, their silly habits, crazy public fights, moody encounters, make this opera a time capsule of sorts.   It also conveys her frustrations of being harassed endlessly by the prying eyes of males that feasted their eyes on a beautiful yet naive young immigrant.

However bothersome that might have been, Truus always translated it into humorous  musical reflections.    It is not dark yet perhaps a bit cynical, but full of irony.

It travels  from 1979 to up to around 1990′s

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