14. 8. 2014 – 22.30

Show 488: Wie es vielleicht war by Nights im Bunker

Audio file

“Wie es vielleicht war” (“How it might have been”) by Nights im Bunker for Radio Helsinki, Graz – AT

“Nights im Bunker” is some sort of a mistery performance series that is performed once a month at the Forum Stadtpark – a place of production and presentation for contemporary art in Graz. “Wie es vielleicht war” (“How it might have been”) is a radio edit of different performances that the performers of Nights im Bunker did in the last two years.

Performers: Patrick Wurzwallner (drums), Arne Glöckner (guitar), Vera Hagemann (voice), Johannes Schrettle (text)


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