2. 1. 2025 – 21.30

Stoletje ženske revolucije

Audio file
Vir: Creative commons license

V Sektorju Ž smo razmišljale o ženski revoluciji v Kurdistanu, njenem globalnem pomenu in notranji logiki kurdske oblike feminizma, poznane pod imenom džineologija (jineology). 

Del oddaje je tudi intervju s kurdsko novinarko. 


Več informacij o trenutni situaciji na kurdskih ozemljih lahko najdete na:





Aktualno-politične oznake

Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.


Anonymous / 5. Januar 2025 / 0.43

Kurdi se fajtajo za američki imperializam, ampak is all good, važno, da to počnejo ženske.
Emancipacija bruh.

@anonymous / 5. Januar 2025 / 13.30

O, nekdo pa ni poslušal oddaje!

Anonymous / 5. Januar 2025 / 13.45

nje rabem pasljušat sorušjistov, ki u svoiem "prispeuku" citirajo anarhjiste:

When we talk about our works here, we are a military structure that co-
operates with the Syrian Democratic Forces. We are integrated inside the Syrian
Democratic Forces and we are with them in the front lines fighting against the en-
emies that tried to destroy this revolution. Mostly we have been in the front lines
against the Islamic State but since 2018 and the invasion of the Turkish army in
Afrin, we have been also in the front lines against the Turkish army and its proxies.
As a military structure, also, we want to promote a reflection of what does it mean
for anarchists to be engaged in a military context because we know that anarchism
often has been also connected with anti-militarist movements.

Na evu, če CIA backed wikipedia parznava, koga pudpjirate salunarski lablanski ljevičarčki:


The SDF is allied to and supplied by the United States–led CJTF–OIR international alliance.[105] Founded on 10 October 2015, the SDF claims that its mission is fighting to create a secular, democratic and federalized Syria.

Anonymous / 5. Januar 2025 / 14.25

Evu demukratično, sekularno Siriju: zej ste lablanski levičarji z njekaterimi pro zahudnjimi musljimani dubil đihadiste, k režnejo glave in uvaiaio suženjstvo, p užjivite v vaši demukraciji


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