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How to Remember Important Things
1Using Memorization Tricks
2Setting Reminders
Memory Help
ualize the items that you need to remember in various places, and come up with a funny or crazy story about why they’re there. Keep going until you’ve included all of the information that you need.[4]
If you have trouble recalling your grocery list or other lists of a lot of information, a memory palace can be extremely helpful.
For instance, if you need to remhoever is with you to remk to see upcoming dates and activities.[9]
You can also use a plain notebook as a planner by converting it into a bullet journal.
Tip: You can color code your to-do lul 12
How do I Everyone has different memorization skills, and it's possible to use your strengths to improve your memory. If you frequently forget important information or dates, you can reml extra special. You don't even have to get something super expensive or over-the-top. Buy their favorite chips and bring them over next time you see them. Pick up a funo connect with others, and it allows us to see the world from their perspective. It also motivates us to help others, whether it's by volunteering our time or donating money to a worthy cause. In a world that can often be harsh and cruel, compassion is one of the most important things that we can possess.
19. Freedom
Imagine for a moment that you’re living in a world where you’re not free. You’re not free to choose your own friends, or what you want to wear, or where you want to live. You’re not even free to think your own thoughts. Instead, you must conform to the thinking of those in power. It would be like being trapped in a prison, with no hope of ever escaping. That is why having freedom is one of the most important things in life. Freedom gives us the ability to control our lives and make our ers without the need for words. A painting, a photograph, a sculpture or a melody you produce can help you connect with someone you know, or even a stranger — but creative expression is just as valid (and beneficial) when you do it just for you.
24. Personal development
Without continuous development, we would be born a certain way and stay that way — at least, in terms of interests and personality — until we are old. A thought that is equal parts amusing and scary! Investing time and effort in learning ourselves more intimately, and accepting the various changes in our needs and preferences over time, allows us to build deeper, more meaningful connections with those around us. At the same time, it can make getting through life easier, as the more honest we are (with ourselves, first and foremost) about what we want and need can save us time and an awful lot of hassle.
25. Humbleness
Being down to earth is one of those qualities that  structure our daily activities. We can do things that will help us progress and also schedule time to spend with family, friends and hobbies.
10. Water
vital and clean water Water is the most critical part of survival — without clean water, we wouldn’t be able to live. Our bodies are made up of up to 60% of water, and it’s used in all our cells, organs and tissues to help regulate our temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Therefore, to ensure that we aren’t dehydrated and at risk of falling ill, we need to drink at least six glasses of water per day.
11. Food
While food can be an indulgence and a hobby, it’s also a necessary part of our existence. Our body will need carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins to function and stay healthy. So, to maintain our health, we need to rely on a healthy and balanced diet.
12. Sleep
Sleep also plays a vital role in our physical and mental wellbeing. As reported in Healthline: “Sleeping less than 7–8 hours per night is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.” But a lack of sleep one feel better. Secondly, positivity is essential for achieving your goals. A positive attitude allows you to stay focused and motivated, even when things are tough. It attracts success, as people are drawn to those who have a positive outlook on life, and this can open doors for you professionally and personally. So, if you want to live a happy and successful life, make sure to focus on the glass being half full instead of half empty.
16. Communication
Communication is one of the most important things in life because it allows people to share their thoughts, feelings and ideas. It also allows people to connect with others and build relationships. When communication is effective, it can help people to understand each other better and resolve conflicts. It can also make people feel more connected to each other and build trust. It’s important in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to work and school. Good communication skills are essential for success in all areas of life, so it’s important to learn how to communicate effectively.
17. Memories
Why are memories so important? I think it has something to do with the fact that they’re one of the few things in life that we can keep with us forever. Sure, we can hold on to material possess
Ah, happiness: one of the most elusive emotions — or so it seems! And yet, prioritizing the things that make us happy is of vital importance (quite literally). According to Dr Francoise Adan, up to 80% of visits to doctors are due to symptoms that are caused or worsened by stress. The happier we feel, meanwhile, the likelier we are to experience better health, as positive emotions can lead to better habits, including habits concerning our diet and sleep. An important thing to remember is that happiness, much like most (if not all) emotional states, is not permanent. We can add things to our lives that make us happy, whether that’s taking dance classes or volunteering at thcan cause people to gravitate towards you. That’s not to say that you should ever downplay your achievements — those are meant to be celebrated! — bu they'll love when you're on vacation.[10]
Make them feel extra special by getting a gif out loud to another person, which can also help you remember.[2]
Some people can also benefit from reading the information out loudThe 25 Most Important Things in Life: What Really Matters
They’re what really matter in this beautiful mess called life.



Two people enjoying the most important things in life
In today’s digital world, many of us are thrown by social status, materialistic items and luxuries — and how can you blame us? We’re constantly being shown that the image ofs them that you're truly interested in their life.
This shows them that you're trud promote your overall health”.
2. Family
While you may sometimes argue and get annoyed with your family, they are your unit and the ones that you can turn to in times of happiness and sorrow. No matter what you go through with your family, thedoesn’t only put our health at risk, but it also has a negative effect on our mood. Ever noticed how you’ve been grouchy and irritable when you’ve not had enough sleep? That’s because poor sleep quality is directly linked to mental health disorders like depression and anxiety.
13. Music
Have you ever had tears spring to your eyes when you hear a certain song? I know I have. Music, in all its forms, is beautiful. It has the ability to bring people together, as it's a universal language that everyey write it. This w
For example, if you’re in charghealth for granted, and to instead feed our bodies the nutrients they deserve by eating a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can “reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), anace or follow what you say with their name.[1]
Try something like, "Hey Sam! Nice to see you today" or "I really appreciated your input in the meeting today, Louis."
Compliment them.
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Flattering someone makes them feel valued.
Flattering s important informatiup of coffee before you leave the house, you can place a sticky note reminder on the “on” button of the machine so that you can’t make your coffee until you look at the note.
Step 7 Associate the information with another memory in your mind.
Associate the information with another memory in your mind. When you learn something new, try to link it to an established memory in your mind. If it’s a name, think of someone else you know with that name. If you don’t know anyone with that name, make a note of something distinctive about their appearance, like their hair color, and link the naw much you like these qualities about them. It will make them feel special and unique, like their skills made an impact on you.[2][3]
Say something like, "You are such a talented chef. I've been craving that spaghetti you made for months."
Listen to what they have to say.
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A huge part of feeling important is being understood and heard.
A huge part of feomeone makes them feel vind you. Saying the task out loud will help you remember, and they might be more likely to remember.[11]
For example, if you have a friend’s birthuge difference. Next time you catch yourself thinking about a fun time you had last summer, text them and let them know. Everyone likes to hear that someone has thought of them. It reminds them that they've made a positive impact on someone's life.[9]
Text them something like, "I just thought of that beach trip we took last year. That was so fun! I hope you're doing well."
Give them a gift or make them something.
PDF downloaen hday coming up, you might ask a different friend to text you a reminder when they buy their gift so you can remember to buy yours.
Step 4 Address the matter or set another reminder as soon as you remember it.
Address the matter or set another reminder as soon as you remember it. When you get a reminder or remember to do something, try to accomplish the task immediately when you thithings, with  g task or information is so vital that something bad could happen if you forget, organize a back-up plan in case you do. Plan for the worst-case sRoman Room
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How can I never forget to put my textbook or actireat with locker combinations, passwords, PINs, and chronological information.[1]
If you set the information that you need to know to a catchy tune, it’ll be easier to remember it. Try out nursery rhymes or pop songs to get the information stuck in youions, but eventually they will wear out or be lost. But, usually, our memories stay with us until the day we die. They are a part of who we as passion; our desires, our dreams and our hopes in life. When you’re passionate about something, you’re going to work hard to achieve it. For example, Huda Kattan was a self-established makeup artist, but her passion for cosmetics pushed her to build a beauty empire that’s now worth over $600 million. That said, passion looks different for everyone; some people will be passionate about giving back to society, while others will have a passion for personal gain. Just ensure that your passion is for a good cause and that it brings joy not only to yourself but to others, too.
7. Wellness
Besides having a healthy body, it’s essential to have a healthy mind also! Luckily, we live in a time where mental wellbeing is at the forefront, and those who struggle with any mental health disorders are being given the treatment and care that they need to lead a happy life. That said, there are many ways that you can improve your wellbeing. Find activities that help you relax, whether it’s meditating daily, listening to a motivational podcast or simply going for a walk to gather your thoughts. Whatever method you choose, ensure that your wellbeing is at the forefront of each of these activities.
8. Education
Having a good education will help you progress in life. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you must complete higher education to be successful. What it does mean is that you should continue to learn new things on a daily basis. The method of education is entirely up to you — you might want to watch an educational video, documentre, and they help to define our identity. Think about it: when you look back on your life, what do you remember most vividly? The big moments, of course, like your wedding day, the birth of your child or that time you won the championship game. But also the small moments, like sitting around the campfire with friends, laughing until you cried, watching the sunset on a perfect summer day. These are the moments that make up our lives, and they are what we hold on to when everything else is gone. Creating memories is one of the most important things in life, because in the end, they are all we have left.
How to Practice Mindfulness at Work
How to Practice Mindfulness at Work
18. Compassion
Compassion means being able to understand and share in the feelings of another person. It's about having empathy for someone who is going through a tough time and being ablown choices. It allows us to pursue our dreams and build the future we want for ourselves. And it’s only when we have freedom that we can truly be happy and fulfilled. That is why freedom is so important. It is the most basic human right.
20. Gratitude
Importance of gratitude Why is gratitude so important? Well, let’s think about it. First of all, when we’re grateful for what we have, we’re more likely to take care of it and appreciate it. Secondly, gratitude helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives, which can lead to greater happiness and satisfaction. And, finally, gratitude creates a sense of abundance instead of scarcity. When we feel that we have enough, we’re more likely to share with others, which creates a sense of community and connection. So, all in all, gratitude is pretty important! Why not take a moment each day to think about three things you're grateful for by practicing mindfulness? It could change your life.
21. Learning
Learning, whether formal or informal, matters due to several reasons: it can boost our confidence, improve our professional prospects, help us connect with others, and discover new things about ourselves in the process. According to research, lifelong learning can also be very beneficial to our cognitive health, and even cause (desirable) physical changes in the brain. Much like the muscles in our bodies, “use it or lose it” applies to our cognition, too. Therefore, try and nurture your sense of curiosity, get into the habit of asking questions and studying topics that matter to you, and enjoy the positive effects that come with it!
Mindset Shifts that perfection includes these ould not be taken for granted. Some people go through life without truly appreciating just how important having their family’s suyou set a reminder to tell you to put a book in your backpack, move the book to your backpack as soon as you see the reminder.
Step 5 Take a picture so you remember what you did.
Take a picture so you remember what you did. After you complete a task, you might have trouble remembering if you did it or not. Use your phone to snap a quick picture, and when you start to question yourself later, check your photos to see if you did it already. If it isn’t in your photos, you’ll know that you didn't do it.[13] organized, and check ahill help your brain to “access” the information, making it easier to recall when you need it.How to Make Someone Feel Important


When you value someone in your life, you want them to know that they're special. Luckily, there are several ways to do this, from kind gestures to direct words of encouragement. Read on for more ideas on how to make someone feel important.

Address them by name.
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This is a super easy way to make someone feel important.
This is a super easy way to make ember impcenario, and use the buddy system to hold you accountable. For extremely vital tasks, set many reminders and use the buddy system to remind you to do it.[14]ead during the weealued. Tell them something you appreciate about them, like their expertise when it comes to cooking or their amazing sioilet paper, milk, and eggs at the grocery store, you can imagine your office covered in toilet paper because your boss went crazy and threw it there. Then, when you go to their appearance.[7]
For example, if you meet someone named Rebecca, and she has red glasses, you can remember her name by associating Rebecca with red glasses in your mind.
Step 8 Practice remembering things with apps and games.
Practice remembering things with apps and games. Websites and apps, like MemRise and Anki, have games that help you practice remembering information, tasks, and images. Some gamew that their knowledge is valued, and you'll even get to learn a few new facts.[8]
Maybe you're remodeling your home and your friend dabbles in home improvement projects. Ask them for any advice they may have!
Let them know you're thinking of them.
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A simple text or comment can make a huge difference.
A simple text or comment  mug you knownwhile, having a strong sense of purpose can have a positive effect on our lives. If you take a page out of the books of successful entrepreneurs, most of them made it by having a drive and a sense of purpose. They worked hard because they were confident of what they could achieve — and this purpose is something that we need to follow to feel accomplished in life.
6. Passion
Along with purpose comeary or film, read a book, or watch the news. What is important is the knowledge you gain from your education and how you choose to apply it within your life.
Free Online Courses You Should Do
Free Online Courses You Should Do
9. Time
Having the ability to value time really matters in life. Time is precious and priceless, and it should be taken advantage of. When we have a better understanding of time, we can form good habits ande local cat shelter, and watching our “joy meter” go up. Simultaneously, it’s good not to panic the moment we feel more neutral or a little down. The key lies in consistency and having realistic expectations!
23. Creativity
Creativity can mean different things to different people. Whatever it means to you, it’s good to set time aside to engage in creative tasks, to the extent that you are able to. It can be a great way to relax and practice being grounded in the present. Being creative can also allow us to share parts of ourselves and our realities with othe to offer support. It’s a key interpersonal skill to have, as compassion is about being kind and caring, even when it's difficult. Having compassion ispport is and spend the majority their existence feeling unhappy. So, if you don’t usually show your family how much they mean to you, now is the time to start!
3. Friends
Just like family, friends are a vital part of our existence and happiness. They are people that can share the best parts of your life with you and will be there as a confidant when you need to talk about personal issues. While real friends are hard to come by, most will have a handful of trusted friends that they can rely on. And even though you may outgrow certain friends during different stages of your life, you will have opportunities to form new relationships with people that you come across.
4. Love
Love is the epicenter of every aspect of your life — it doesn’t just relate to having a romantic partner. You will love your partner in a unique way, but you will also have unchangeable affection for your family a’t do it right away, set another reminder for a time when you know you’ll be free to do it.[12]
For instance, if  essential because it helps us tcan make and friends. Love is also the feeling that will drive you throughout your career, extracurricular activities, interests and hobbies. Moreover, you will experience love in its varying forms; you may go on holiday and fall in love with a particular city, cuisine or culture. What’s vital is that you embrace everything that you love and enjoy.
Ways to Make Friends at Work
Ways to Make Friends at Work
5. Purpose
Looking for purpose in life Having a purpose is a fundamental component of living a fulfilling life. Without purpose, we won’t have the motivation to achieve great things or even do something simple such as getting out of bed in the morning. According to psychologist Steve Taylor, not having a purpose “makes us more vulnerable to boredom, anxiety and depression”. Meat rather that you could benefit from always keeping things into perspective. One victory (or a few) doesn’t make anyone invincible, and so dealing with one thing at a time, admitting mistakes and recognizing areas for improvement can allow you to problem-solve better and form healthier connections with those around you. After all, someone who thinks and feels deeply and knows themselves well can exude confidence without the need to brag, right? as thepresents the order of operations for math equations.

Every Good Boy Does Fine helps people to remember the pitches associated with the 5 lines of the treble clef in music.

Step 2 Write or say the information repeatedly to remember it.
Write or say the information repeatedly to remember it. Writing and speaking are very helpful for remembering information. Try writing down a new phone number or address 20 times whnconditional and shnk about it. If yedited Instagram images and reality TV shows highlighting the elite. In reality, however, status, designer products and expensive items are worth nothing; they won’t make you happy nor healthy. So, regardless of where you are in the world, the most important things on your list should include the following.
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1. Health
importance of health in life Being healthy is the single, most important part of our existence — without good health, our lives can be cut short. That said, it’s important not to take good k. Practice active listening techniques, like restating what they've said in your own words, to fully understand them.[4][5]
Try nodding along as they speak and smiling to encourage them to keep talking.[6]
Ask them questions.
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This show Will Make You Happier
Mindset Shifts that Will Make You Happier
22. Happinessr head.
Common Mnemonic Devices

ROY G BIV stands for the colors of the rainbow.

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally (PEMDAS) rone can understand. No matter what culture you come from, music can unite us all. It has the power to evoke emotions and memories, like making you think of your wedding or a road trip you took as a child. It can make us laugh, cry and dance, which is why it truly is one of the most important things in life.
14. Money
Sadly, money is also one of the most important things in our lives. Money gives us the ability to buy the things we need, like food and shelter. It also allows us to purchase the things we want, like a new car or a nice vacation. Money also gives us a sense of security. For example, if you have money in the bank, you know that you can cover your basic living expenses if you suddenly lose your job. In short, money is essential for a happy and comfortable life. Granted, money isn't everything and it can't buy happiness, but it can certainly make life a whole lot easier!
15. Positivity
positive sunflower representing importance to life Positivity is contagious. When you’re positive, you radiate good vibes that others around you pick up on. This creates a snowball effect of positivity, making everyy will always be there to guide and support you and to help you learn and grow as a person. The love from a family member is ud
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Receiving a gift can make someone feel extra special.
Receiving a gift can make someone feesomsit in your desk chair, you sit on a carton of eggs and your boss pours a glass of milk on your head!
Step 5 Link the information to a bizarre or funny made-up story.
Link the information to a bizarre or funny mt that's specific to them. If your friend loves to draw, get them a pack of drawing pencils or a sketchbook.
You can also make them a gift if you're crafty. If you're a great cook, make them a meal.[11]
If writing the information 20 times h task takes place. For example, you can write chores at home in red, schoolwork in green, and errands in blue.

Step 2 Set a reminder on your phone for an important date.
Set a reminder on your phone for an important date. Use the calendar function on your phone to remind you about an event or appointment. Set the reminder for a few hours or days before t
This is especially helpful for daily tasks, like closing the garage door or locking the front door.
You can make a habit to delete these photos at the end of the day so your photo roll isn’t cluttered.
Step 6 Make a back-up plan in case you do forget.
Make a back-up plan in case you do forget. When thevity book in my backpack for school?
Community Answer
Community Answer
Put your books in your backpack the night before, or put them in an area you will be at in the morning, like the kitchen table. It would be safest to just pack everything away as soon
Ask a Question
What is your question?

Don’t be afraid to ask others for help with remember things. Some people are naturally better at remembering than others!
Warningsem feel special. If you're at doesn't help, try 50 or 100 times. It might be time consuming, but it's worth the effort if the information is important.
Step 3 Ask yourself questions about the information.
Ask yourself questions about the information. If you’re trying to remember something that you read in a book or article, quiz yourself after you finish a section. Go over the mostelinget. This worksou can yl important. People like hearing the sound of their own name, and it makes them feel special to be addressed so specifically. When greeting someone, say their name instead of a simple 'hello." If you have a question, compliment, or even just a comment to share with them, prefly interested in their life. Think of follow-up questions that you genuinely want to know the answer to. Ask them how their day was, or what they've been up to lately. Text them asking them if they've been having a good week.[7]
If they mention that they're applying to grad school programs, for example, ask them something like, "What kind of programs are you applying to?" or "Do you have a favorite program so far?"
Play up their strengths.
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Refer to their talents or knowledge to make them feel special.
Refer to their talents or knowledge to make th much easier for people to remember something when there’s a feeling or emotion associated with the memory. Visualize a very vivid funny story aboume eone feeexercise” your brain and keep it sharp with their techniques.[8]
If you do begin to use these apps, remember to do it every day or you won’t notice much of a difference in your memorization abilities.
Setting Reminders
Step 1 Write down information in a notebook or planner that you carry with you.
Write down information in a notebook or planner that you carry with you. Keep important dates in a calendar or planner that you can access at any time. Make sure you keep your plannerhe date so you don’t forget. Then, all you have to do is remember to carry your phone with you![10]
Sometimes things like email pro ason, the main points, and some of the specific information, like statistics, that you read.[3]
This is a helpful technique for studying for a test or exam. You can even write up mini-quizzes as soon as you finish reading, and then take them a few hours later to see what you remember.
Step 4 Create a memory palace to remember a list of information.
Create a memory palace to remember a list of information. Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking through a place that you’re familiar with, like your house, bedroom, or office. As you’re walking, look around and visknow if I have dementia, because I can't remember anything?
Commuembllpaper/screen lock  important is being understood and heard. Focus on what this person has to say. Put your phone away and make eye contact with them while they speae of buying concert tickets for a group of 4 people, but you forget to wake up early enough and they sell out, you should have a back-up plan in place. In this case, your back-up plan could be buying the tickets secondhand on a re-selling website.

Memory Help
Memory Tricks
Sample ortant things by implementing reminders and using memorization techniques. While it may take a bit more effort for you to remember things, it’s certainly possible with some time and dedication.

Using Memorization Tricks
Step 1 Make a mnemonic device to help you remember.
Make a mnemonic device to help you remember. Mnemonic devices help make information easier to remember. Create a rhyming song out of the information, or assign an acronym that you won’t forgon your phone.
Not Helpful 3Helpft their candles! Make the made up story as vivid as possible so you don’t forget it.
Step 6 Position sticky notes with the information where you can easily see them.
Position sticky notes with the information where you can easily see them. Think about some places where you go everyday, like your kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. Write down the task, date, or information that you need to remember on a sticky note, and then place it somewhere you’ll definitely see it.[6]
For example, if you always make a c you're done using it.
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How can I remember important points or keywords in a text?
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Community Answer
Use a highlighter to make certain points within the text, make things stand out. List the keywords, write them on post-it notes and stick them around your room, take a picture and set it as a watle “s will challenge you to remember the order of chronological events, and others will test your abilities to remember pictures or patterns. Play with these every day to help “ou want to memorize it. Then, turn the paper over and recite the number or address out loud 20 more times. If you don't have a pen or paper, try saying the informationade-up story. It’s
If you frequently find yourself forgetting vital information, like your address, phone number, or the names of people you’re familiar with, visit your doctor to talk about your memory.

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