6. 9. 2018 – 15.00

seznam skladb - četrtek, 6.9.2018 (15.00 - 19.00)

01 - Algiers - The CycleThe Spiral Time to Go Down Slowly …....5.25

02 - Katalena - Čutim krvi utrip …... 4.34

03 - The Sonics - Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover ….. 2.54

04 - Samuel Blues - Dolar Kramp ….. 2.22

05 - Akami – Stay …. 6.21

06 - Jimi Hendrix - Stepping Stone …......... 3.12

07 - Arrows of Love - Come With Me ….. 4.12

08 - Darla Smoking – Sali …... 4.37

09 - Sons Of Kemet - My Queen Is Albertina Sisulu ….... 5.19

10 - The Tiptons Sax Quartet & Drums - Owl Dance ….... 1.09

11 - Miki Solus - Život je palačinka …... 3.16

12 - Katja Šulc - O čhonut …... 3.16

13 - Grad gori! - Grad Gori ….......... 3.34

14 - Ana Pupedan in Jani Kovačič – Internacionala …... 4.32

15 - Damir Avdić - Čovjek na trapezu …... 6.30

16 - SEINE – Ko …...... 2.52

17 - Koala Voice - Vede Premikanja …..... 3.54

18 - Dälek - Echoes Of... 4.31

19 - Death Grips - Culture Shock …......4.20

20 - Bad Breeding - Whip Hand …................. 3.01

21 - Jegulja - foot in the shit ….......... 3.38

22 - Body Count - Raining in Blood Postmortem 2017 …....... 4.31

23 - Ministry – Wargasm ….. 6.19

24 - ĐORNATA - Warcollapse (Warcollapse cover) …................................... 1.06

25 - Kormorana - Črna Sivka (Black Lavander) …........................ 3.32

26 - Jinho Jinza - No Today …...................................... 6.03

27 - All Strings Detached - I Feel …..... 4.18

28 - Malamor - Plastic Ocean ….. 3.31

29 - A Love Electric - Be That Mule (feat Metnal and Babi Sick) ….... 3.48

30 - Bernays Propaganda - Koga e dovolno …...... 5.10

31- ŽEN - Sonična taktika …........... 3.49

32 - 7AM – Pigpower …...... 1.35

33 - Baltazar - Animal Transistor …............. novi klubski maratonci …. 6.36

34 - Iggy Pop – 1969 …............. 4.07

35 - Čao Portorož – Jesenski …................... 4.47

36 - Goribor – Kiša ….................. 6.42

37 - Foltin – Antitelo …........... 4.18

38 - Xaxaxa - Tango revolucioner ….............. 2.37

39 - Stekli Psi - Nindri Indri …......................................... 2.51

40 - Ali En - V Mestu Nekaj Dogaja …...... 3.13

41 - Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - The Message …........ 3.14

43 - Muzikačaka – Noč …........................... 7.44

44 - Motorhead – Heroes …...... 4.37

45 - David Bowie – Lazarus …......... 4.05

46 - Werefox - Orange Red …............................. 3.45

47 - Deerhoof – Dispossessor ….......... 2.09

48 - Ramones - Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World …............. 2.12

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