2. 12. 2021 – 11.00

Seznam skladb za 2. 12. 2021, 11.00–15.00 (Urban Mihevc)

  1. L’orange - I miss my friend scraps

  2. The Lounge Society - Cain's Heresy

  3. LUMP - Animal

  4. Tim Hecker - The Piano Drop


  6. vsemag - Brezčutno brezpomensko bivanje sin moje leve roke

  7. Christian Kroupa - Blind to the beauty

  8. Beatrice Dillon - Square fifths

  9. Yves Tumor - Noid

  10. Ichisan - Tam so tudi kaktusi

  11. Young Fathers - In My View

  12. Sophie - Ponyboy

  13. Katalena - Zagovor

  14. Mild High Club - Me myself and dollar hell

  15. clipping. - Say the name

  16. Altin Gün - Malatya

  17. MUG trio - Sam

  18. Arca - Desafio

  19. Malamor - Shine on me

  20. Earl Sweatshirt - 2010

  21. Jelena Popržan - Fuge aus der violinsonate bmw 1001

  22. Kavasutra - The Breaks

  23. 21 vek - Sama vidi si

  24. Armand Hammer & The Alchemist - Black Sunlight feat. Kayan.a

  25. black midi - Hogwash and balderdash

  26. Buraza - Deček

  27. Mdou Moctar - Taliat

  28. Bowrain - New Boy

  29. Mimi Mercedez - Nadal

  30. Sun kil moon - Ben’s My Friend

  31. rouge-ah - aching

  32. Show me the body - Arcanum

  33. Trinajst - Vuhan

  34. DJ Shadow - Horror Show feat. Danny Brown

  35. drone emoji - Drone emoji

  36. Eartheater & LEYA - Milky eye

  37. Luka Prinčič - Esma

  38. Zergon - Vertex 

  39. Inga Copeland - Insult 2 Injury

  40. Moveknowledgement - Bad day

  41. Queens of the Stone age - If I had a tail

  42. Fuck Buttons - Red Wing

  43. Micachu & The Shapes - Low dogg

  44. Aesop Rock - Zero dark thirty

  45. King Midas sound & Fennesz - On My mind


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