anarcho punk
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8. 1. 2019 – 23.00
Snake Tongue, The Seeker, Wall Breaker, Suburbanite, Erosion, Foza común, The Instigators
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1. 1. 2019 – 23.00
Tremenda Venganza, Disbaja, Instinct of Survival, Asocial Terror Fabrication, Весна Народов, Karborätor
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18. 12. 2018 – 23.00
Diisbömber, Rashōmon, Atrament, Unfair, Raza odiada, FZ-10, DHK, Desempleados, Roht, Apsurd
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13. 11. 2018 – 23.00
Tortür, Hak Attak, Stand In Front, Low Vision, Brave Out, Kronstadt, Old City, Nailed In, Senf, Odpisani
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16. 10. 2018 – 23.00
Vile Reality, Agonosta, Odpisani, Booze&Glory, Don Gatto, Civilised Society?, Apsurd, Wild Forms, Huff Raid
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28. 8. 2018 – 23.00
Wretched Of The Earth, Civil Evacuation, DISM, Equilibrio, Masses, Dauđyflin, Bastä, Häpeä, Juokkohauta
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14. 8. 2018 – 23.00
Svaveldioxid, Kakafoni, Hard Charger, Sights Of War, Tulpa, Negativ, Mau agöuro, Bonëcrutch, Chain Cult
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24. 7. 2018 – 23.00
Speed!Noise!Hell!, Fredag den 13:e, Axegrinder, Frenetix, Constant Fear, Omega Tribe, Antídoto, Auxiliö
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17. 7. 2018 – 23.00
Carnage SS, Disphorai, Lifeless Dark, Colapsø, A.F.K., M.D.C., Kovaa Rasvaa, The Truth, Rules
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3. 7. 2018 – 23.00
The Ruts, Paranoid, Genöme, Profoss, Arsle, Zyfillis, Otrov, Angry Brfigade, Slavery Farm, Succubus, Anti-Flag
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22. 5. 2018 – 23.00
Warvictims, Deathreat, Desperate Times, Total Chaos, Deafness By Noise, Social Free Face, HCHC, The Restarts
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15. 5. 2018 – 23.00
Arquivo Morto, Abolitionst, PHOTA, Sju Svåra År, Emerged, Krisis, Discommand, Pičke vrište, Bad Religion
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1. 5. 2018 – 23.00
Dishope, Dishonoured, Mass Grave, Bio Crisis, Satanic Surfers, Disbomb, Fake News, Carnage
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13. 3. 2018 – 23.00
Pissjar, D-Crash, Discorpse, Tortured Skull, Autonomads, Herdeiros do ódio, A New Scar, NoNoNo!, CC, Ancst
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20. 2. 2018 – 23.00
Tortür, Article 15, Dispyt, Neolithic, Martyrdöd, Phane, Šarlah, Grand Collapse, Svetlanas, Lulu, Double Me
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13. 2. 2018 – 23.00
The Sewer Rats, Dokuga, Systemik Viølence, Kalashnikov, Vastation, Mutabo, Arms Race, Obduktio, Đornata
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19. 12. 2017 – 23.00
Atomkrig, Touched by Nausea, The Adicts, Miroed, Batra, Börn Rötten, Parasite, Still Cold, Svinje
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28. 11. 2017 – 23.00
Steve Ignorant & Paranoid Visions, Massgrav, Crisol, Sheep in Wolves' Clothing,Slander, Line Out, NFAA,
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31. 10. 2017 – 23.00
Antisect, Bastardhammer, Violation Wounds, Offensive Mindset, Mørder, P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S., Mohan, Heel
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24. 10. 2017 – 23.00
Gefyr, The Varukers, Haram, Knifeman, Maldición, Skid Raid, Repressione, Pasmaters
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17. 10. 2017 – 23.00
Katastrof, Dödsrit, Kohti tuhoa, Slime, Discordance, Poor Excuse, Burako, Fuse, Pankrti, FOB
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3. 10. 2017 – 23.00
Idiot Ikon, Emboscada, SAP, Lux, Inepsy, Deathwish, Disease, Pure Mania, Saturday's Heroes, Mikrofonija
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26. 9. 2017 – 23.00
Brekkjern, Discord, Active Minds, Myteri, Repugnant, M.A.M.Ü.T., FIST, Disorder, Ponor
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12. 9. 2017 – 23.00
Active Minds, Ultimo Gobierno, Hässig, Hyle, Battery Humans, Janösch, Haerere, Fatum, BFS, Analena