22. 9. 2016 – 16.30

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Slovenski podnapisi so dostopni s klikom na gumb CC.

V pondeljek, 19. septembra, so prosilci za azil iz azilnega doma Vič v Ljubljani organizirali stavko, na kateri so zahtevali boljše bivalne pogoje in pravice, povezane s procesom pridobitve azila. To je kronološka dokumentacija protesta. (Video si lahko ogledate tudi na youtubu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYlXVzVJ88Y)

Zahteve, kakor so jih zapisali stavkajoči in jih izročili ministrici za notranje zadeve:

1. Make our asylum procedures faster.

2. Change the law that is not allowing us to make our money during the long waiting period. Or try by yourselves and come to live in the asylum home with 18€ per month.

3. Improve our medical care, make it a proper medical care that will treat us as regular patients and not just give us painkillers for everything.

4. Evaluate the work of the bureaucracy that is only solving one case per month. Evaluate the number of negative decisions and the positive solutions that the asylum seekers received in the last year.

5. Improve the system of learning the Slovene language, help the people to get into the educational system here in Slovenia.

6. When you get the positive decision, you need to leave the asylum home in 15 days. You must wait for more than one month to get social support and 45 days to get money to rent a place. So there is a month between these 15 days and the 45 days when you only have 18€ and you cannot afford to rent a place to stay. And if you do not have a contract for a place to live, with a permanent address registered, you cannot get your documents. It is a vicious cycle that leaves one alone, without money and without a place to live.

7. We need a general solution, regarding one opening a bank account. Because when one wants to do that, the bank does not want to make it, just because one is a foreigner. This is discriminatory and must be solved urgently.

8. We want free Urbana card (bus ticket) for everyone, waiting for the asylum, since we cannot afford to buy it with the 18€ (even the cheapest price for the monthly bus card is 20€). Our mobility is important for our integration.

9. Check the applications of the students from the asylum homes who wanted to enrol to university. No one got his decision yet, because they do not know what to do with people who do not have positive responses yet, even though the current law does not demand the status to start studying.

10. Improve the living conditions at asylum homes, we want freedom of movement!

11. We ask you to treat us as human beings! We have dignity and we will not be silent!

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