Aleksi Perälä
Vir: Lastni vir
Audio file
25. 2. 2022 – 20.00
But it's been hard to break away
Vir: Lastni vir
Audio file
29. 1. 2021 – 20.00
Or rather were set in motion long before we came
Vir: Lastni vir
Audio file
6. 12. 2019 – 21.00
... demons always inhabit desolate places.
Vir: Lastni vir
Audio file
27. 9. 2019 – 21.00
... form labyrinths in which we lose and find and then lose ourselves again.
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8. 3. 2019 – 18.00
Pred njegovim nastopom v K4 se pogovarjamo s finskim elektronskim mojstrom
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2. 3. 2019 – 20.00
Pred njegovim nastopom v K4 se bomo ozrli v obsežno diskografijo kultnega finskega producenta
Vir: Naslovnica
15. 2. 2019 – 19.00
Techno, electro in IDM misticizem finskega veterana
Vir: Lastni vir
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1. 2. 2019 – 21.00
... especially towards the end
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29. 12. 2018 – 14.10
Jaša Bužinel z najširšim zajemom iz bazena elektronske glasbe v letu 2018
Vir: Lastni vir
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7. 12. 2018 – 21.00
Part I
Vir: Lastni vir
Audio file
25. 5. 2018 – 21.00
“only doubtful truths need defense.”
Audio file
18. 3. 2015 – 9.15