Meral Polat Trio: Ez Kî Me
Naj balkanski albumi v četrtem tromesečju 2022
 / 15. 1. 2023
Gaye Su Akyol: Anadolu Ejderi
Gaye Su Akyol, Alhaji Waziri Oshomah, Cerrero & Viivi María
 / 11. 12. 2022
Fania Records 1964-1980: The Original Latin Sound of New York
V spomin soustanovitelju Fania Records
 / 21. 2. 2021
»Consistent Fantasy Is Reality«
 / 18. 1. 2019
Fatoumata Diawara: Fenfo
Fatoumata Diawara, Kazan, Gaye Su Akyol, 숨[su:m]
 / 28. 10. 2018
Dirtmusic: Bu Bir Ruya
Dirtmusic, Baba Zula, Grad gori!, Gaye Su Akyol
 / 28. 1. 2018
Jenny Hval, Kondi Band in Gaye Su Akyol
 / 29. 5. 2017
The Plastic People of the Universe (foto: arhiv skupine)
Ob gostovanju M. Machovca, poznavalca kultnega češkega underground pesnika
 / 28. 5. 2017
Pred večernim nastopom v okviru Druge Godbe se pogovarjamo s turško pevko in socialno antropologinjo.
 / 26. 5. 2017
Rayess Bek: Love and Revenge
Love and Revenge, Yasmine Hamdan, Pixvae, Jenny Hval, Roy de Roy
 / 21. 5. 2017
Gaye Su Akyol (foto: Ali Güçlü Şimşek)
Gaye Su Akyol, Yasmine Hamdan, Baba Zula, 75 Dollar Bill
 / 9. 4. 2017
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