
Audio file
Audio file
7. 4. 2023 – 12.00
Od psihedelije Skopja prek kozlarij do najboljšega piva na Balkanu

Iz tokratnega Afterpartyja valove Radia Študent bombardira makedonska zasedba Lufthansa, na čarterju iz Skopja! Dečke ste lahko ujeli v Tolpi bumov, v RŠ intervjuju in na letošnjem festivalu Ment v klubu Menza pri Koritu, če pa ste jih zamudili v živo, lahko svoje radarje vklopite v torek nekaj čez deseto ali pa poiščete kritje pod spletnim pretokom.





O sebi zapišejo:

Vir: Naslovnica
Audio file
10. 1. 2023 – 19.00
Svež piš, zagon in neke vrste glas generacije

»Lufthansa are a young Macedonian band with an experimental and aggressive spirit, which, by combining their loudness, anger, love and aggression, counteract the genre determinations, the one-dimensionality and conformism of manufactured monotonous music. 

Six sweaty friends who have been playing and working hard in their non-air-conditioned garage since the start of the pandemic, with 4 albums under their name, ready to tear out your ears, shake your bones and offer you a warm sonic hug.

O njih zapišejo:

»Just to be sure, I asked the Czech promoter Vašek from Heartnoize standing next to me if I was out of line with my enthusiasm, and he told me that he had just returned from the renowned American festival SXSW, and his reaction was, to paraphrase: "There were about 70 British guitar players, but none as good as Lufthansa.«

- Alexander Čerevka,


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