6. 11. 2024 – 23.00

Človeško srce kot glavna jed

Audio file
Vir: osebni arhiv Sare Šabjan

I can turn your dreams into dust, tell me I'm the one
Everything you want, what you love
I can be the one, I can be enough
Life is misery and then you're dust

I have done almost nothing right
My entire adult life
But having dared to touch the fire with you
Breaks the chain of my being nothing too

I am punished by love
I am punished by love
I am punished by love
I am punished by love

If you deny death, you deny life
Let it suffer, let it shine
What must be severed, left behind?
What is there yet to find?

Time and tide. The ligature that binds.
No escaping the four walls. 
The day of judgment is closing in. 
Time and tide. We were born to hide.

howling beauty 
cleave the silence 
resting stare 
toward the heavens 

un sentiero infinito
inseguendo un bagliore che
alla fine, forse io
non ho ancora mai trovato

Fuck what we avoid.
Life bought, sold.
Everything destroyed.
In comes the moral midget,
he's just a single digit.

15.11. Chelsea Wolfe in Mary Jane Dunphe @ Kino Šiška

16.11. Terapija vol. 1

V prostorih bivšega Zavoda za duševno in živčno bolne (danes Muzej norosti) na Tratah bodo pank ansambli s celotnega hardcore spektra po dolgem zatišju ponovno obudili krike čiste agonije.

Nastopajoči bendi:
KALPAS – HC pank –

IRITATOR – Grindcore –

GASTRITIS – Goregrind – 

URETHRA – Gorenoise –

KULTIVATOR – Mincecore – 

26.11. Deaf Club @ Channel Zero, Metelkova



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