4. 3. 2020 – 23.00


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"'What do you want from me? Now?'

'You know what I want you to do next.' I was listening to the voice outside me like I was listening to the voice inside me. I knew.

'I'm your boss. I tell you what to do. I can make you die.'

In my hearts of hearts or cunt I've always known what men want from me. 'Death,' I whispered.


'Then who am I' I asked Death. Perhaps I was asking the wrong person.

'Cunt: you are what you get. You've got me.'

'You don't love me.'

'You've got Death.'

But I didn't want to die. I got Death. I lifted up my .357 and shot my boss in the mouth. Full. The boss crumpled, fully."

Nikoli se ne bom mogla docela zahvalit Kathy Acker, za njeno delo, predvsem zato, ker je tudi ona že mrtva.

Jebeš Adama in Evo, če si lahko drevo spoznanja ali pa Lilith na njem aka kača. Fyi je Shahmaran čist huda napol kača napol ženska, poglejte si v perzijski mitologiji...


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