29. 7. 2017 – 22.00

Dimni signali 13

Audio file
Vir: Lastni vir


01. Coca Leaf - New Soft Dawn

02. Golden Retriever - Pelagic Tremor

03. Golden Retriever - Tessellation

04. Avey Tare - DR Aw One for J 

05. Avey Tare - Roamer

06. Avey Tare - Coral Lords

07. No Balls - Pacer 

08. No Balls - Approaches

09. Boris - D.O.W.N. (Domination of Waiting Noise)

10. Boris - Kagero 


Na sliki:

On 12 August 2015, a series of explosions killed 173 people and injured hundreds of others at a container storage station at the Port of Tianjin. The first two explosions occurred within 30 seconds of each other at the facility, which is located in the Binhai New Area of Tianjin, China. The second explosion was far larger and involved the detonation of about 800 tonnes of ammonium nitrate. Fires caused by the initial explosions continued to burn uncontrolled throughout the weekend, repeatedly causing secondary explosions, with eight additional explosions occurring on 15 August.


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