7. 3. 2015 – 20.00

S Olbricht in Farbwechsel

Audio file

V tokratnih DJ grafitih se podajamo skozi dve diskografiji. Prva bo tista madžarske podtalne založbe za čudne ritmične in eksperimentalne elektronske muzike - Farbwechsel, druga pa tista njenega (so)ustanovitelja - Martina Mikolaia alias S Olbrichta, ki ga bo med 19. in 20. marcem v Ljubljani gostil festival glasbe in založništva TRESK #6

1. Poor Jiffy - A Brrgazzen For A Hot Mama, Who Knows The Gore!

(podlaga) Martin Mikolai - Nunza

2. S Olbricht - Lutson In Luv v2

3. S Olbricht - Paulsanger (Trap 4)

4. Silf - Satellite phone blinks red light

5. Ste Pwri Tmod - Don't Miss Us Florida (Route 8 Screw Up Mix) 

6. S Olbricht - Rovdik

7. S Olbricht - fi

8. Norwell & S Olbricht - 62

9. A i w A - I'd Rather Fuck You

10. A i w A - Used To Be

11. Route 8 - Mental Murder

12. 12z - How Blissful To See Other Worlds Existing

13. 12z - Circling Gulls Above Monitor Lizard (Asio Otus Remix)

14. Imre Kiss - Sweet Cherry Soul

15. Imre Kiss - Shadow Game

16. Danada Cry - I Want To Fly

17. Wedding Acid Group - 606 Tales For 606 Nights

18. Wedding Acid Group - Datsun JX-3P (Drone Travolta 'Death Sun 666' Mix)

19. Sias - That Was Then

20. Saint Leidal the 2nd - A Long Way To Renata (And Back)

21. Kokum - Shining

22. SZO - II

23. Morkebla - Dungeon Rave

24. Black Mold - Virginia Slim

25. Christian Kroupa - New Each Day (A Dangerous Game EP / 12'', prihaja v kratkem na Farbwechsel !!! )


"Our sun is everywhere with the exception of dark depths we choose to penetrate with our gaze. To look for another source of light is our mission. To escape the all-seeing eye of the sun which is the ray itself. To look for another entity that makes things real, palpable, finally visible. 

Now imagine it's possible. The light of the sun left alone. With no one to perceive it, with no one to use it. It's too late to ponder. You open your eyes and you already know that you're at the shore of Lake Balaton, the wide pride of Panonnia."

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