14. 1. 2013 – 21.00

Det Som Aldrig Förändras

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Art Is Either A Complaint Or Do Something Else


Holly Herndon - Breathe

Feloneezy - ////////////

Najoua - Bučni

Mo Kolours - Promise

Mickey Moonlight - Come On Humans!

Ital Tek - The Flood (Throwing Snow Remix) (forthcoming Civil Music)

DANCE - Still

Led Er Est - Turriptosis Blues

Borful Tang - Herd And Unherd

Policy - Walk Up (forthcoming Argot)

Joe - R.E.J. Bit (forthcoming Hemlock Recordings)

Evano - Dub&Ish (forthcoming Archipel)


"The moment would arrive when passion would no longer be an agent of unconsciousness. It will be said that only a madman could perceive such things in the Marshall and Truman plans. I am that madman. In the very precise sense that there is the choice of two things: Either the operation will fail, or the madman will arrive at the self consciousness I speak of, because reason, being consciousness, is fully concious only if it has for an object that which is not reducible to it."

Bataille: The Accursed Share

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