
Framework je oddaja posvečena terenskim posnetkom, ki jo pripravlja Patrick McGinley (aka Murmur). Oddaja svoj začetek beleži v letu 2002, ko je na londonskem radiu Resonance pričela z oddajanjem, danes pa se predvaja na nekaj izbranih radijskih postajah po vsem svetu, tudi na Radiu Študent. Njen namen ni prezentirati samo izredno raznolika zvočna okolja našega sveta, ampak tudi izredno obsežno produkcijo umetnikov, ki so za svoje zvočne vire uporabili posnetke iz okolja.

V oddaji Framework se avtor prevprašuje, ali je "field recording" stil oziroma žanr, ali pa gre za povsem nekontrolirano in nedifinirano zvočno orodje, ki omogoča raznolike interpretacije in manipulacije vsakomur, ki ima mikrofon in idejo.

Odprite ušesa in poslušajte!

Na sporedu ob petkih ob 00.00.

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25. 7. 2014 – 0.00
This edition has been produced in Northern Ireland and Scotland by Mark Vernon.
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18. 7. 2014 – 0.00
Works by Toy.Bizarre, Martin Clarke, Sala, Jonas Gustafsson, sounds from the Aporee Maps ...
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11. 7. 2014 – 0.00
This edition, entitled Lough Foyle, has been produced in Northern Ireland by Aidan Deery and Matilde Meireles.
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4. 7. 2014 – 0.00
Introspective edition, featuring a small handful of long selections and the sound of the rain itself
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27. 6. 2014 – 0.00
Produced by the students of John Levack Drever‘s phonography course at Goldsmith’s College
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20. 6. 2014 – 0.00
Works by Adam Gilbert, Greg Ruben, Kate Carr, Kostis Kilymis, The MW Ensemble, Sabri Meddeb, Joe Stevens ...
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13. 6. 2014 – 0.00
'Milkshake to Mouthpiece' has been produced in the UK by Alan Dunn and Chris Watson with students.
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6. 6. 2014 – 0.00
Works by Jean-Léon Pallandre, Roel Meelkop, Mecha/Orga, Michael J. Shumacher, Alan Courtis, Ben Owen ...
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30. 5. 2014 – 0.00
This edition has been produced in the UK by Stuart Fowkes and features his Cities and Memory project.
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23. 5. 2014 – 0.00
Artificial Memory Trace, Eric Cordier, Mark Vernon, Martin Clarke, Daniel Blinkhorn, Renato Rinaldi, ...
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16. 5. 2014 – 0.00
This edition of framework:afield has been produced in Australia by Michela Ledwidge.
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9. 5. 2014 – 0.00
Jeph Jerman, Thomas Tilly, Chris Whitehead, Terje Paulsen, Aporee Soundmaps by Jeremy Hegge, and Chloe Despax
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2. 5. 2014 – 0.00
This edition of framework:afield has been produced in the UK by James Torrance.
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25. 4. 2014 – 0.00
Marc and Olivier Namblard, D'Incise, Luís Antero, Philip Sulidae, Nula, Felicity Ford, Espaces Sonores ...
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18. 4. 2014 – 0.00
This edition of framework:afield has been produced in Istanbul, Turkey by Gurkan Mihci.
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11. 4. 2014 – 0.00
Daruis Ciuta with Richard Caldicott, Jamie Drouin, Una Lee, Laurent Perrier, Michalis Moschoutis, Jermey Hegge
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4. 4. 2014 – 0.00
Produced by regular contributor Keith De Mendonca using field recordings from India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka ...
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28. 3. 2014 – 0.00
Works by Tony Whitehead & Jeph Jerman, Rodolphe Alexis, France Jobin, James Wyness, Marc Pichelin ...
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21. 3. 2014 – 0.00
This edition of framework:afield has been produced in Columbia by David Velez.
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14. 3. 2014 – 0.00
Marc & Olivier Namblard, Gerard Fieberg & Alexander Mockl, Sabri Meddeb, Emmanuel Mieville ...
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7. 3. 2014 – 0.00
earwigs has been produced by yannick dauby and his students from the national taiwan university
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28. 2. 2014 – 0.00
Mecha/Orga, Ami, Simon Longo, Stephanie Loveless, Viv Corringham, and a framework introduction by Martin Hogg.
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21. 2. 2014 – 0.00
This is the third of a three-part series produced by Ernst Karel in the United States.
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14. 2. 2014 – 0.00
Jonas Gruska, Sebastiane Hegarty, Douglas Benford, Maile Colbert, Aino Tytti, Andrew Cromar, Martin Back.