3. 8. 2014 – 21.30

Idealna godba, suka Miha Zadnikar

Audio file

Klasičen ideal:

Gustav Holst: "Venera - prinašalka miru" (2. stavek iz Planetov, suite za veliki orkester, op. 32), Simfonični orkester iz St Louisa (dirigent Walter Süskind). Menuetto Classics 2011 (arhivski posnetek)


Idealne duše, idealni duhovi:

"#3" - Tipper Gore (Rico Repotente / Joe Williamson / Tony Buck). Demo posnetek (2002)

"Let Somebody Love Me" (Vernon Bullock / Freddie Gorman / Ivy Jo Hunter) - Solomon Burke + band: Make Do With What You Got. Sony BMG 2005

"At the Crossroads" (Van Morrison) - Solomon Burke + band: Make Do With What You Got. Sony BMG 2005

"Ballerina" (V. Morrison) - Van Morrison + band: Astral Weeks. Warner Bros. 1968

"I Got the Blues" (Mick Jagger / Keith Richards) - Solomon Burke + band: Make Do With What You Got. Sony BMG 2005

"Astral Weeks" (V. Morrison) - Van Morrison + band: Astral Weeks. Warner Bros. 1968

"#7" - Tipper Gore (Rico Repotente / Joe Williamson / Tony Buck). Demo posnetek (2002)

"#1" - Tipper Gore (Rico Repotente / Joe Williamson / Tony Buck). Demo posnetek (2002)

"#5" - Tipper Gore (Rico Repotente / Joe Williamson / Tony Buck). Demo posnetek (2002)

"#2" - Tipper Gore (Rico Repotente / Joe Williamson / Tony Buck). Demo posnetek (2002)

"#6" - Tipper Gore (Rico Repotente / Joe Williamson / Tony Buck). Demo posnetek (2002)

"Nebeska tema" (Divljan) - VIS Idoli: Odbrana i poslednji dani. Jugoton 1982

"The Wizard" (Ayler) - Henry Grimes / Marc Ribot / Chad Taylor: Live at the Village Vanguard. Pi Recordings 2014

"Lover Man" (Davis-Sherman-Ramirez) - Art Pepper: Lost Life. Musica Jazz 1998

"Anthropology" (Gillespie / Ch. Parker) - Art Pepper: Lost Life. Musica Jazz 1998

"I Can't Believe That You Are In Love With Me" (McHugh / Gaskill) - Art Pepper: Lost Life. Musica Jazz 1998

"Stardust" (Carmichael) - Art Pepper: Lost Life. Musica Jazz 1998


Idealen album:

Air (Henry Threadgill / Fred Hopkins / Steve McCall): Air Lore. Novus 1979

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