17. 6. 2018 – 21.30

Idealna godba, suka Miha Zadnikar

Audio file

"Na polu" - Żywizna [Genowefa Lenarcik & Raphael Rogiński] plays Zaświeć Niesiącku and other Kurpian Songs. Bôłt (serija "Populista") 2017 [3 x CD]

"Noc" - Żywizna [Genowefa Lenarcik & Raphael Rogiński] plays Zaświeć Niesiącku and other Kurpian Songs. Bôłt (serija "Populista") 2017 [3 x CD

"Zakukała kukawecka" - Żywizna [Genowefa Lenarcik & Raphael Rogiński] plays Zaświeć Niesiącku and other Kurpian Songs. Bôłt (serija "Populista") 2017 [3 x CD]

"I" - S4 [Christian Kobi / Hans Koch / John Butcher / Urs Leimgruber]: Cold Duck. Monotype Records 2015

"II" - S4 [Christian Kobi / Hans Koch / John Butcher / Urs Leimgruber]: Cold Duck. Monotype Records 2015

"III" - S4 [Christian Kobi / Hans Koch / John Butcher / Urs Leimgruber]: Cold Duck. Monotype Records 2015

"Dvapara Yuga (For Eric Garner)" - Amirtha Kidambi [+ Matt Nelson / Brandon Lopez / Max Jaffe] Elder Ones: Holy Science. Northern Spy Records 2016

"flesh" - Carl Ludwig Hübsch / Phil Minton: Metal Breath. Inexhaustible Editions 2018

"is" - Joëlle Léandre / Phil Minton: Léandre - Minton. Fou Records 2017

"Trte" - Zlatko Kaučič / Lotte Anker / Artur Majewski / Rafał Mazur: Diversity [5 x CD]. NotTwo Records 2018

"to meet A" - Evan Parker / Paul Rutherford / Dave Holland / Paul Lovens: the ericle of Dolphy. Po Torch Records 1989

"Pashupatinath Ambient" - PainKiller [John Zorn / Bill Laswell / Mick Harris]: Execution Zero. Karlrecords 2016 [ponatis dvojnega albuma iz leta 1994]


Idealni album:

David Holland Quartet [DH / Sam Rivers / Anthony Braxton / Barry Altschul]: Conference of the Birds. ECM Records 1973

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