IndieRE week: playlist #6 – EMA-RTV, Sevilla (11.05–12.00)

Each radio in the IndieRE project has prepared a special playlist of local music for the IndieRE week.

Independent Radio Exchange (IndieRE) is a project aimed to promote unrecognized local indie and urban music production across multiple European countries in order to increase transborder mobility of music creativity and improve the capacity of cultural operators for long-term, sustainable intercultural exchange.


This is the Spanish 1st Indie-RE week music selection. Most of the tracks chosen by Rafa and Sonia from Onda Local de Andalucía are self-released by the artists and from this year, even from last month. Pop, rock, electronic, punk, fusion, and so on.



01 Aiko El Grupo – k pesao [02:03] (single, Elephant Records, 2023)

Aiko El Grupo: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Elephant Records (label): web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

02 Venga Bea – Tus Bragas [02:08] (single, self-released, 2022)

03 Ysa Bermejo & Eskarnia – Amiga [03:13] (single, self-released, 2023)

Ysa Bermejo: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Eskarnia: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

04 Marialluïsa – Feel Free [03:29] (Tinc al Cor el que no Trobo al Cap, Bankrobber, 2023)

Marialluïsa: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Bankrobber (label): web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

05 Crisigrado – IA del amor [03:06] (Era Rosa, self-released, 2023)

Crisigrado: bandcamp | instagram

06 Morreo feat. Soleá Morente – Pansequito [03:17] (Alegría, self-released, 2023)

Morreo: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Soleá Morente: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

07 Andrea Santalusia & The Gardener – AMA-ZONA [03:31] (ALNILAM, self-released, 2023)

Andrea Santalusia: instagram

The Gardener: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

08 Gore – El Boticario [04:14] (single, self-released, 2023)

Gore: web | instagram | facebook

The Gardener: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

09 Sarajevo 84 – Are you lonely [04:43] (single, Wild Punk Records, 2023)

Sarajevo 84: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Wild Punk Records (label): web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

10 Orina – Charles Bronson [01:42] (single, self-released, 2023)

Orina: bandcamp | instagram

11 Çantamarta – Lluvia [02:53] (single, self-released, 2020)

Çantamarta: instagram | facebook

12 Estrella Fugaz La Perla [02:56] (Mixtape #1, Sonido Muchacho, 2023)

Estrella Fugaz: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Sonido Muchacho (label): web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

13 Volpina – Tampoco era para tanto lo Nuestro [04:15] (Lecciones de Vuelo, self-released, 2023)

14 AmoreFeria Lopagán [02:35] (Usted Está Aquí, Mis Cosas, 2022)

Amore: instagram

15 Melenas – Bang [05:09] (Ahora, Mushroom Pillow, 2023)

Melenas: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Mushroom Pillow (label): web | instagram | facebook

16 Amiga500 – El Viaje (Clipper) [03:30] (El Viaje (Clipper), self-released, 2023)

Amiga500: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

17 Splvtterhouse – Inhale [04:35] (Inhale, self-released, 2023)

Splvtterhouse: instagram | facebook


Music selected by Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-RTV), Sevilla, Spain.


V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Campus FM, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


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