9. 8. 2019 – 12.00

Vida Vojić

Audio file

V petek, 9. avgusta, bo ob 12. uri iz studia Radia Študent v živo oddajala v Berlinu bazirana švedska zvočna umetnica, pesnica in glasbenica Vida Vojić, ki je ravno sredi svoje umetniške rezidence v ljubljanski Cirkulaciji2. Kot rezultat njenega bivanja se bo v torek, 13. avgusta, v Cirkulaciji odvil zvočni performans, na katerem bo predstavila svoj trenutni opus in smernice, v katere se usmerja na svoji umetniški poti, del tega pa bo za pokušino predstavila v terminu koncerta v živo na Radiu Študent. Vabljeni k posluhu v petek ob 12. uri.

http://vidavojic.tumblr.com/ ----> (all collected work)


»Unconsciously, I ended up in sound to express the invisible inside. Everything interconnected, a feeling in my chest, turned into a tone, grew into a new world. I aim for purity - what is suppressed underneath the intellect. It is a physical reaction to the confrontation of myself, removing the barriers between me and the reflection of me - the sound. The biggest loss is to forget to feel. I seek to get as close to feelings as possible, without the need of explanation in between, leaving an open end to the expression. Perhaps that is when thinking becomes irrelevant, and listening becomes something that you do with your body first, and thought secondly.«


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