7. 12. 2013 – 23.00

a. A hunted animal; prey.

Audio file

* naslovnica in kontest / Klavdija Jeršinovec


fair game


1. a legitimate object for ridicule or attack

2. (Individual Sports & Recreations / Hunting) Hunting archaic quarry that may legitimately be pursued according to the rules of a particular sport


"We talked about albatrosses and butterflies and what should or should not be countable on a state list (...)"



Axel Boman - Can't Find It

Yann  Leguay - Static (Live At Eastern Bloc)

Tuff Sherm - Stray Scheming

Giuseppe Ielasi & Adam Asnan - Quarry

Tricorn & Queue - Continual Passage 5

Wanda Group - A Strain A Meter Below

Tricorn & Queue - Continual Passage 4

Yann  Leguay - DAP1

Heatsick - U1

Heatsick - Mimosa


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