17. 7. 2013 – 22.00

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion: Hkrati smo disfunkcionalna družina in idealna bratovščina

Audio file

To sredo ob desetih zvečer se Captain Soul pogovorja z Judahom Bauerjem, kitaristom slavnih The Blues Explosion,  o velikih koncertih momentih, o ukradenih instrumentih ter starih in novih mamilih in o življenju na turnejah z Russelom in Jonom.

1.Electricity – The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

2. Son of sam - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

3. Naked - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

4. You Got to Move - Rl Burnside

5. Shake ‘em on Down - Rl Burnside & Blues Explosion

6. Lap Dance – Andre Williams & Blues Explosion

7. Skull of a German - Jesus Lizard

8. Push some air - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

9. Get with it - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

10. Black Mole - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion

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