21. 11. 2018 – 18.00

Renick Bell

Audio file

Za današnji RŠ Intervju smo se pogovarjali z Renickom Bellom, na Japonskem baziranem raziskovalcu live codinga in improvizacije z računalniki. Bell bo v četrtek v sklopu festivala Grounded nastopil v Channel Zero.

Live coding absolutno ni nova stvar, se je pa okoli leta 2012 (vsaj) definirala v navezavi z glasbo kot algorave. Alex McLean in Nick Collins sta pojem algorave uporabila za dogodek, kjer je glasba generirana z algoritmi ter namenjena plesu. Oziroma kot najbolje povzame kar centralni internetni hub, spletna stran Algorave:

»Algorave is made from "sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive conditionals". These days just about all electronic music is made using software, but with artificial barriers between the people creating the software algorithms and the people making the music. Using systems built for creating algorithmic music and visuals, such as IXI Lang, puredata, Max/MSP, SuperCollider, Extempore, Fluxus, TidalCycles, Gibber, Sonic Pi, FoxDot and Cyril these barriers are broken down, and musicians are able to compose and work live with their music as algorithms.«


Goran Kompoš je spisal tudi Tolpo bumov o zadnji plošči Bella, Turning Points. Check it out.

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