Riddim Operator #716
Za danes smo pripravili nekaj starejših izdaj, recimo Roots Trunks & Branches ali pa Rhythm-Ites, digital reggae z Jah Mel & The Rhythm Factory in Senatorjem Garyjem… seveda pa tudi sveže izdaje - zadnji singel King Konga in riddim album This Is Love. V jungle / drum & bass oddelku danes Dr Meaker, Rahmanee in klasika Shy FX-a. Za konec pa še Tor.Ma in Dub.
Mail: riddimoperator@gmail.com
Ponovitev (rok trajanja dva tedna): https://soundcloud.com/riddim-operator
Lewis Bennett - Fever (Bedrock Dubs)
Roots Trunks & Branches - Forward To Zion (Splendour Heights / Jamwax)
Rhythm-Ites - Consciousness (Eyes Wide Shut Recordings / Archive Recordings)
B.B. Seaton - Voice Of The People (Roots International / Jamwax)
Raggalution - Monuments Of More (samozaložba)
Busy Signal - Close To Me (Money Matters Entertainment)
Tarrus Riley - L.S.O.L (Losing Sight Of Love) (Money Matters Entertainment)
King Kong - Reggae Music (Evidence Music)
Too Low For Zero - Molue (Jamwax)
Jah Mel & The Rhythm Factory - Stand Up To It (Jamwax)
Senator Gary - They Are Dangerous (Beacon / Jamwax)
Dr Meaker - Rubber Gloves (dub)
S.A.R.S. - Budjav Lebac / Rahmanee Remix (dub)
Shy Fx & UK Apachi - Original Nuttah (SOUR)
Andrea Ljekaj - Chat With Aliens (ATJE)
Alpha & Omega - Only Jah Children / Tor.Ma In Dub Remix (Dubmission)
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