7. 10. 2020 – 22.00

Alasdair Roberts, Aidan O'Rourke

Audio file

V novo sezono vstopamo z albumom Alasdairja Robertsa The Songs of My Boyhood. Poslušali bomo tudi pesmi, ki jih je Aidan O'Rourke izdal nedavno v sklopu niza 365.


01 Alasdair Roberts - Arcane Lore

02 Alasdair Roberts - Tangled Hair

03 Alasdair Roberts - The Language in Things

04 Alasdair Roberts - Frozen Blight

05 Alasdair Roberts - First Perthshire House Song

06 Alasdair Roberts - Ice Age

07 Alasdair Roberts - The Groves of Lebanon

08 Alasdair Roberts - Second Perthshire House Song

09 Alasdair Roberts - Exile

10 Aidan O'Rourke - It Was Beautiful Down There

11 Aidan O'Rourke - The Clock's Broken

12 Aidan O'Rourke - Howard Assumed an Air of Modesty

13 Aidan O'Rourke - I Was in My Office at the Back of the House

14 Aidan O'Rourke - It Wisnae Me

15 Aidan O'Rourke - Dr Joseph Black

16 Aidan O'Rourke - My Wife Answered the Phone One Morning

17 Alasdair Roberts - Seagulls, Belts

18 Alasdair Roberts - Autumn


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