18. 5. 2022 – 22.00

Beau, Sam Shackleton

Audio file

Izbor glasbe krojita stari maček Beau z novim albumom Al Killem's Final Show ter novinec Sam Shackleton s ploščo Causeway Recordings.


01 Beau - Nothing Worse

02 Sam Shackleton - Ballad of the Lost Boys

03 Sam Shackleton - Long Golden Chain

04 Sam Shackleton - Pink Collar Blues

05 Sam Shackleton - Cuckoo Bird

06 Sam Shackleton - House Carpenter

07 Beau - The Proper Folk Tradition

08 Beau - Here We Go Again!

09 Beau - Bells Beyond The Stars

10 Beau - Al Killem's Final Show

11 Beau - Don Giuseppe Berardelli

12 Beau - Deadly Nightshade

13 Sam Shackleton - Gambling Davey


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