18. 1. 2023 – 22.00

Bile Bear, Joseph Allred

Audio file

Pristen kitarsko instrumentalni izbor glasbe. Bile Bear z albumom Cage Mates ter Joseph Allred s ploščo The Rambles & Rags of Shiloh.


01 Joseph Allred - Dance of the Fair Folk

02 Bile Bear - What a Wonderful Trockji

03 Bile Bear - Astral Dances

04 Bile Bear - I Want to Kill Gwenifer Raymond

05 Bile Bear - Calabria, Symphonic Poem

06 Bile Bear - Stromboli (she said you are a bit like)

07 Joseph Allred - Sweetcorn Ramble

08 Joseph Allred - March of the True Bugs

09 Joseph Allred - The Dervish

10 Joseph Allred - Overture for Lodge No. 637

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