6. 6. 2018 – 22.00

Bryony Griffith

Audio file

Z albumom Hover violinistke Bryony Griffith, se bomo poglobili v glasbeno izročilo, katerega izvor sega v čas srednjega veka. Morris dance.


Bryony Griffith - The Recovery and the Red House

Bryony Griffith - Oranges in Bloom and the Castle Minuet

Bryony Griffith - Sadler's Wells Hornpipe and the Cook Hornpipe

Bryony Griffith - The Butcher's Hornpipes

Bryony Griffith - Queen's Delight and Bonnets so Blue

Bryony Griffith - The Gaubeo the Ladds of Dance and Oaks Assembly

Bryony Griffith - Staines Morris and Lancers No

Morris On - Staines Morris

Morris On - Morris Off

Bryony Griffith - The New Hornpipe and Hodgson's Square

Bryony Griffith - Ladies' Pleasure and Constant Billy

Bryony Griffith - Slingby's Allemand and the Spanish Spy


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