10. 5. 2023 – 22.00

Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble, Jenny Conlee, Sam Sweeney & Louis Campbell

Audio file

V tokratnem izboru glasbe Jenny Conlee z albumom Tides Pieces For Accordion And Piano ter album Peggy's Dream, ki ga je izdal Martin Hayes s svojo novo zasedbo The Common Ground Ensemble. Poslušali bomo tudi krajšo ploščo z naslovom Shapes dueta Sam Sweeney in Louis Campbell.


01 Jenny Conlee - Shore Pine

02 Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble - The Glen Of Aherlow

03 Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble - Peggy's Dream

04 Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble - Garrett Barry's Jig

05 Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble - Johnny Cope; Hughie Travers' Reel

06 Jenny Conlee - Looking Glass (For Tiffany)

07 Jenny Conlee - Hawk (Dorian)

08 Jenny Conlee - Ocean (Mixolydian)

09 Sam Sweeney & Louis Campbell - Psalm

10 Sam Sweeney & Louis Campbell - Shape #2 (Gmin)

11 Sam Sweeney & Louis Campbell - Shape #5 (A)

12 Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble - Aisling Gheal

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