31. 5. 2023 – 22.00

Shirley Collins, Alasdair Roberts

Audio file

Izvedbe ljudskih pesmi z novih plošč dveh velikanov britanskega folka. Shirley Collins z albumom Archangel Hill ter Alasdair Roberts z albumom Grief In The Kitchen And Mirth In The Hall.


01 Shirley Collins - The Bonny Labouring Boy

02 Alasdair Roberts - The Wonderful Grey Horse

03 Alasdair Roberts - Bob Norris

04 Alasdair Roberts - The Baron o' Brackley

05 Alasdair Roberts - Mary Mild

06 Alasdair Roberts - Eppie Morrie

07 Shirley Collins - Oakham Poachers

08 Shirley Collins - Fare Thee Well My Dearest Dear

09 Shirley Collins - Archangel Hill

10 Shirley Collins - High and Away

11 Shirley Collins - Hares On the Mountain

12 Alasdair Roberts - The Holland Handkerchief

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