Danes, zaradi birokratske napake, ki me je do ponedeljka prikrajšala za elektriko in pregnala v Maribor, poslušate samo muziko in nič glasu.
1. THE FUNADDICTS - What's the rush? - Ska train
2. DOREEN SHAFFER & THE STEADYTONES - First lady of ska - I can't give you anything but...
3. MOBSTER - Checking out - Run away
4. THE ALCAPONES - Mountropolis - Perfect crime
5. SKAMERICAN IDIOT - Skamerican idiot - Circle pit of broken dreams
6. ALL DAY LONG - All day long - I wish you were not my dream
7. THE NEW LIMITS - The new limits - What's the worst that could happen
8. RUSSKAJA - Kosmopoliturbo - Cheburaschka
9. SONIC BOOM SI - Cardiac adress - Positively (dub)
10. SONDASCHULE - Schere, stein, papier - Gold digger
11. LES PARTISANS - Rallumer tous les soleils - Hard times
12. THE ALLSORTS - Happy happy happy - Badup badah
13. KUZLE - Še pomnite Kuzle, Tovariši? - Moja mama
14. THE KINGPINS - Plan of action - Sick valentino
15. ALTON ELLIS - The best of... - Pearls
16. THE SPECIALS - More specials - Enjoy yourself (it's later than you think)
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