29. 10. 2019 – 23.00

Bound To Destroy

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 1 9 1 / 1 4 6 6 torek, 29/10. 2019. ob 23-ih

Commodore 64 imajo svež komad, EP pa so izstrelili hrupni d-beat punkerji s Švedske Sex Dwarf (foto) in punkerji s Finske Paha maa. Nov d-beat crust iz Madrida so Depopulation Department. S/E HC Rexurgir iz Nikaragve, blackened crust Reign in Slumber iz Kambodže. Nov crust punk band iz Rusije, Oblaka. Na sporedu so tudi Fatum in Adrestia. Od koncertov: Thousands Oaks in Lineout.


COMMODORE 64 - (2019)

– E-49

SEX DWARF - "Sesnsou hantai" EP (2019)

– En sjunkande värld

– Inga krig

– Sensou hantai

PAHA MAA - "Helvetin kolonnat" (2019)

– Systeemi on rikki

– Halusit tai et

– Kymmenes

– Pohjat


– Bound To Destroy

– Justice for Sota

– Don't Blame The Vicitms

REXURGIR - sp (2019)

– Ciegos

– Sin razón

REIGN IN SLUMBER - "It Never Left" EP (2019)

– Mother Crawlers

– It Never Left

FATUM - "Edge of the wild" LP (2019/2018)

– Life Lost

OBLAKA - "Insight" EP (2019)

– Shell

– Tangle

– Insight

THOUSANDS OAKS - "Bound for Destruction" CD (2019)

– Saoked in Desolation

– Battle Lost

LINEOUT - "Pugno dall'inferno" EP (2019)

– Bastardi

ADRESTIA - split EP w/ Martyrdod benefit for Rojava (2017)

– Opium

Od koncertov:

(petek) 1. 11. Ljubljana, Channel Zero: Thousands Oaks, Lineout;

Več o koncertih: http://slovenski-punk-rock-portal.blogspot.si


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