8. 11. 2022 – 23.00

Marscherar I Blodspår

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 3 4 9 / 1 6 4 4  torek, 8/11.2022. ob 23-ih

 Brazilski crust grind Discröpsy. Novi album švedskih crusterjev Myteri in nov ep španskih Tümba. Hardkorovci Straight Opposition, PW Batra iz Latvije, hc punk Obaltan iz Južne Koreje. Od koncertov: Atomski rat in Ignite.

DISCRÖPSY - "...e por dentro...Podre!!!" EP (2022)

- Protestar e Contestar

– ...e por dentro...Podre!!!

– Indústria PharMáfia

MYTERI - "Illusion" LP (2022, Alerta Antifascista)

- Sista Striden

– I Skuggornas Gränsland

– Marscherar I Blodspår

– Svek

TÜMBA - "Mediterranean Chainbreaker" MC (2022) 

- Mediterranean Chainbreaker

– Final Thunder

STRAIGHT OPPOSITION – "Path Of Destruction" CD (2022)

 - Workstation – Dead Box

– She's Still (Pro Choice)

– It's Killing Time

– No Age To Xclaim

BATRA – "Pozitīvā Agresija" EP (2022)

 - Mahima

– Pozitīvā Agresija

– Dzīves vātīs

- Kā Padirst Valsti

OBALTAN – 4-track MC (2022)



– Germinal

ATOMSKI RAT – "Nekro san" (2021)

- Krvolok - klovnovi

IGNITE – "Anti-Complicity Anthem" EP (2021)

- Turn XXI


Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 10.11. Zagreb, Vintage Industrial Bar: Ignite

(sobota) 12.11. Ljubljana, Gromka: Atomski rat, CarlxJohnson, Bible Thrower, Peskovnik, Hak Attak;

(sobota) 12.11. Ljubljana, Channel Zero: Viscera, Dickless Tracy, Nefarious Vermin.

Več o koncertih: http://slovenski-punk-rock-portal.blogspot.si

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