10. 11. 2020 – 23.00

Punk Life/Cursed Life

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 2 4 5 / 1 5 4 0  torek, 10/11.2020. ob 23-ih

Nov hc iz Švice so Gut Wound, nov EP izkušenih ameriških hardkorovcev World Be Free ter crusterjev Dömesticrust iz Bandunga. LP so dobili street pankerji MaxCady s Poljske ter novi belgijski crusterji Plague Thirtheen. Drugi album imajo skopski d-beaterji Disease.  Pojavila se je reizdaja enega najbolj vplivnih albumov japonskega haceja, LP-ja Detestation banda G.I.S.M.

GUT WOUND - s/t MC (2020)

– Gut Wound

– Deprived

– Justice Served

– Never Again

WORLD BE FREE - "One Time For Unity" EP (2020)

– Down & Beyond

– Acceptance

DÖMESTICRUST - "Apparatusi burning in Hell" (2020)

– Apparatus Burning in Hell

– Stop Gun Control

– Consume

MAXCADY - "Miasto"  (2020)

– Otchłań

– Blizny

– Miasto

– Duma


– Haunt Them

– Sunken

– Modern Slave

DISEASE - "Death is Inevitable" LP (2020)

– Stucked To Nowhere

– Scorched Earth

– Tomorrow Disaster (Yesterday's Nightmare)

– Punk Life/Cursed Life

G.I.S.M. - "Detestation Reissued" LP (2020, Relapse Records)

– Anthem

– Anti Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs

– Choke


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