11. 7. 2017 – 23.00

System Goes Nowhere

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 0 7 1 / 1 3 41 torek, 11/7.2017. ob 23-ih

Kalifornijski d-beaterji Tortür imajo prvi ep, newyorški crusterju Total Waste pa prvi album. Novo ploščo so objavili Tau Cross, ki imajo personalne povzeave z War//Plague. EP sta razdelili Per capita in Vorgär. Metal punk iz Avstralije so Ironhawk, hc punk iz Indonezije pa Crucial Response. Od koncertov: Despite Everything


TORTÜR - "No Surrender, No Survivors" flexy (2017)

– No Surrender, No Survivors

– Catastrophe

TOTAL WASTE - "Never Ending Winter" (2017)

– Never Ending Winter

– I Have Enough of This Shit

– Kill Yourself With Alcohol

– Gut hatar dig

TAU CROSS - "Pillar of Fire" LP/CD (2017, Relapse Records)


– On The Water

– Rising Golem

WAR//PLAGUE - split w/. Warwound (2017)

- Crucible


– Generation F

– Debtocracy


– A Global Trap

- Angular Circles

CRUCIAL RESPONSE - "Plastic Society" TP (2017)

– Plastic Society

– Reprobate

– System Going Nowhere

IRONHAWK - "Cemetery Of Steel" EP (2017)

– Ride the Wasteland

- Servants of the Warmonger

DESPITE EVERYTHING - "Trails" (2016)

– Tangled Lines

Od koncertov:

13.7. (četrtek) Ljubljana, Gromka: Despity Everything, Keep it simpl;

14.7. (petek) G. Radgona, Max Cafe: InxSane, Real Life Version, White Stain;


Več o koncertih http://slovenski-punk-rock-portal.blogspot.si


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