18. 10. 2013 – 22.00

Nosilni tram

Audio file

Truss aka MPIA3 žganica naznanja techno gostvanje v Ljubljani, gosta abstraktna vlaga na španski Semantici z LP-jem Stretched Freeform, De May v Raster Noton formi ter novosti na osi zla Berlin-London-Leeds-Rochdale-Detroit.


01 Stretched Freeform - Esperanza En El Olvido

02 Yves De May - Transfer #1

03 Stretched Freeform - Interiormente

04 Attemporal - Att 6

05 Kobosil - Aggregate

06 LFO - We Are Back

07 Function feat. Stefanie Parnow - Golden Dawn

08 Marcel Dettmann - Corebox (James Ruskin Blueprint Mix)

09 Jeff Mills - Truth To The Chosen One

10 Autechre - Tac Lacora

11 MPIA3 - Ely

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