8. 6. 2015 – 23.00

Cirkulacija 2: Hrup smo mi - Kulturni vmesniki

Audio file

Kolektiv Cirkulacija 2 napoveduje dvotedensko koncentrirano dogajanje

(po domače: festival) tehnologije, zvoka in svetlobe, ter performativnih praks,

ki bo potekal od 4. do 18. junija 2015 v dvorani Cirkulacije 2 na Tobačni 5 v

Ljubljani. Naslov projekta je Hrup smo mi: Kulturni vmesniki.

Okvirna tema festivala so “kulturni vmesniki”, kar je besedna zveza povzeta

iz besedila teoretika novih medijev Leva Manovicha – Teorija kulturnih

vmesnikov. Kvaliteta besedila je v tem, da poudarja razširjeno razumevanje

vmesnikov (v splošnem: nečesa, kar stoji med nami in realnostjo in vedno

reprezentira realnost). Ker vmesniki torej vedno interpretirajo realnost, s tem

tudi definirajo kulturo – vzorce razumevanja, obnašanja in uporabe. Med

dejanskim in našo interpretacijo je torej vedno kulturni vmesnik, ki bolj ali

manj verno odslika podobo. Lahko, da celo podobo iznakaže – laže ali

predlaga navidezne resnice (mite, želje, predkoncepcije, ideologije). Seveda

nas bolj kot reproduciranje prevalentnih kulturnih vzorcev zanimajo njih


Sodelujoči: Uwe Schüler in Jördis Drawe (Tübingen/Nemčija), Ronald Gonko

(Nemčija), Mike Hentz (Nemčija), Ole Wulfers (Nemčija), Borut Savski

(Slovenija), Stefan Doepner (Slovenija, Nemčija), Boštjan Leskovšek

(Slovenija), Boštjan Čadež (Slovenija), Lina Rica (Hrvaška, Slovenija),

Jakob Hariš (Slovenija), Neven Korda (Slovenija). V nadaljevanju leta se bodo s

svojimi avtorskimi pristopi predstavili še Dušan Zidar (akka Spiro Mason),

Borut Kržišnik (in še kdo…).

Polja delovanja bodo priprava tehnologije in neposredna uporaba na raznolike

avtorske zvočno-vizualne-performativne načine. K sodelovanju smo povabili

mednarodne posameznike, ki imajo bodisi tehnična znanja, in/ali sposobnost

samostojnega avtorskega koncepta, ki se udejanji kot specifičen performativni

pristop. V prvem tednu je predvidena intenziven zaključek priprav, v drugem

tednu, in že prej, pa vrsta javnih intervencij.

Več o nekaterih povabljenih sodelujočih :

Uwe Schüler

je razvijalec elektronskih vezij in intermedijski umetnik iz Nemčije. Njegova

polja so analogna glasbena elektronika, zvočni in svetlobni objekti. Skupaj z

ženo Jördis Drawe sta ustanovila hišo umetnikov / umetniškia center

“Kulturgüter-Schuppen” v Tübingenu v Nemčiji. Tam sta pripravljala

delavnice za otroke, študente in umetnike. Principi DIY (naredi sam) in

reciklaža materialov je njuna pomembna kritično pozicija, ki se tiče

potrošniške družbe. Sodelovanja na festivalih: Transmediale Berlin, Ars

Electronica Linz, Shift Festival Basel, Camp Festival Stuttgart, Tinguely-Museum

Basel, Interfiction Kassel, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, NoBudget-Medienfestival

Tübingen, Homemade Labor Schweiz, Kunstuni Linz, HfG Karlsruhe, Lab30 Augsburg,

FEZ Berlin in še različni drugi DIY-festivali po Evropi.

Mike Hentz

Ameriško-švicarski umetnik, ki deluje v Berlinu. Soustanovitelj Minus Delta T,

Van Gogh TV in Ponton Media Art Lab. S temi skupinami je sodeloval na festivalih

Ars Electronica in Documenta. Hentz je performativni umetnik, glasbenik in še





Ole Wulfers

Ole Wulfers je študiral vitualno umetnost  in eksperimentalni film na Uetnostni

akademiji v Bremnu, zdaj živi v Berlinu  in deluje kot vizualni umetnik,

skladatelj, glasbenik in igralec. Sodeloval je s skupinami Kapaikos, MariaHilf

in v 90-ih v Partydiktators, zadnje čase sodeluje  tudi s Phoebe Killdeer.



Ronald Gonko

rojen leta 1964, znan tudi kot “Gonko Industries inc.”, je glasbenik iz

Berlina, ki zadnjih nekaj let deluje v okviru Berlin Synthesizer Orchestra

(BSO), pri katerem iz estetskh razlogov uporabljajo analogne sintetizatorje.

Študiral je vizualne umetnosti, eksperimentalni film in interaktivne medije,

vendar je njegovo glavno področje ustvarjanja glasba. Glasbeni izrazi so

izjemno široki: od eksperimentalnih električnih projektov kot je Berlin Synth

Orchestra ter anti-elektro Stop Disco Mafia, do akustičnih izrazov v skupinah

Kapaikos (Polka-Punk) in Mariahilff (obskurni kantavtorski pristop). V

samostojnih nastopih raziskuje meje med resnim zvočnim in umetniškim pristopom

in neo-dadaističnimi nesmisli. http://www.kapaikos.de



http://www.vimeo.com/48515541 (projekt Mariahilff)

Podroben spored sledi v kratkem.

Vaša http://www.cirkulacija2.org


Cirkulacija 2 announces a two-week concentrated series of activities (a

festival) of technology, sound, light and performance, taking place from 4th to

18th June 2015 at the Cirkulacija 2 hall in Tobačna 5 in Ljubljana. The title:

The Noise is Us – Cultural Interfaces.

The framework topic is the so-called “cultural interfaces”, remebered from

the text of new-media theorist Lev Manovich – Theory of Cultural Interfaces.

The quality of text is in having a broad view on understanding of interfaces (as

something that stands between us and the reality – and always there to

represent reality). Since the interfaces always interpret the reality, they also

determine/ define the culture – patterns of our understanding, behaviour and

usages of things. So, between the reality and our perception, there is always a

cultural interface, that more or less precisely mirrors the reality. It can even

be that it distorts it – it serves lies or would-be realities (myths,

preconceptions, ideology). Of course, we are interested in interfaces that are

not mere reproductions of the prevalent cultural interfaces, but their

transformations. We might even not deal with the truth – but maybe we do.

Participants: Uwe Schüler and Jördis Drawe (Tübingen/DE), Ronald Gonko

(Berlin/DE), Mike Hentz (US, CH, Berlin/DE), Ole Wulfers (Berlin/DE), Borut

Savski (Ljubljana/SI), Stefan Doepner (Bremen/DE, Ljubljana/SI), Boštjan

Leskovšek (Ljubljana/SI), Boštjan Čadež (Ljubljana/SI), Lina Rica

(Makarska/HR, Ljubljana/SI), Jakob Hariš (Ljubljana/SI),  Neven Korda

(Ljubljana/SI). In the later part of the year some of the following artists will

take part: Dušan Zidar (akka Spiro Mason), Borut Kržišnik  and maybe


Areas of festival activities will be preparation of technology and immediate use

of it in the various artistic sound and visual approaches. We invited

international individuals, that have the technical knowledge, and/or the ability

to provide an artistic concept that takes up a form of specific performance. In

the first week we intend to do intensive completion of preparations and in the

second week (and even before) a series of artistic interventions.

More on some of the participants:

Uwe Schüler

is electronic circuit developer and intermedia artist. Fields: analog music

electronics, sound and light objects. Together with his wife Jördis Drawe they

established the artists’ house/ art center “Kulturgüter-Schuppen” in

Tübingen in Germany. They were running workshops for children, students and

artists. DIY (do-it-yourself) principles and recycling of materials stand as

their critique of consumer society. They participated at festivals: Transmediale

Berlin, Ars Electronica Linz, Shift Festival Basel, Camp Festival Stuttgart,

Tinguely-Museum Basel, Interfiction Kassel, Stuttgarter Filmwinter,

NoBudget-Medienfestival Tübingen, Homemade Labor Schweiz, Kunstuni Linz, HfG

Karlsruhe, Lab30 Augsburg, FEZ Berlin and other DIY-festivals accross Europe.

Mike Hentz

American-Swiss artist living in Berlin. He was co-founder of Minus Delta T, Van

Gogh TV and Ponton Media Art Lab. With these groups he was presented at Ars

Electronica and Documenta. Hentz is a performing artist, musician and more…




Ole Wulfers

Ole Wulfers studied fine arts and experimental film at the University of Arts

Bremen, he lives in Berlin and works as artist, composer, musician and actor. He

was part of Kapaikos, of MariaHilf and in the 90s of Partydiktators, recently he

is also working with Phoebe Killdeer.



Ronald Gonko

known also as  “Gonko Industries inc.”, is musician from Berlin, lately

active is Berlin Synthesizer Orchestra (BSO), using analog synthesizers. He

studied visual arts, experimental film and interactive media, but his main area

is music: from experimental electric projects like BSO and anti-electro Stop

Disco Mafia, to acoustic expressions as in groups Kapaikos (Polka-Punk) and

Mariahilff (obscure singer-songwriter approach). In solo perfromances explors

the boundaries between serious artistic approach and neo-dada. On the net:





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