1. 6. 2018 – 0.05

Show 686: “The Lost Hour” and “What is a Collaboration?” by Karen Werner (Wave Farm/WGXC)

Audio file

Excerpt from “The Lost Hour” a series of short experimental radio autoethnography pieces made by students in Hörvergessen, a course taught by Ricarda Denzer at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, in which Karen Werner visited as guest artist and introduced students to radio autoethnography. Students participating in the class: Ahreum Kwag, Aral Cimcim, Ayse-Gül Yüceil, Binta Diallo, Elnaz Haghghi, Hanna Kucera, Hannah Sakai, Hector Schofield, Huda Takriti, Karl Kühn, Katharina Spanlang, Laura Irmer, Laurids Oder, Lea Föger, Liim Jang, Martina Pouchlá, Nazanin Mehraein, Oscar Cueto, Ramiro Wong und Simeon Jaax. Produced in March 2018.

Also included is “What is collaboration?” a radio autoethnography assemblage by Karen Werner and Deanna Shoemaker. Produced in May 2018.

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