2. 8. 2019 – 0.05

Show 748: A matter of water? (Radio ARA)

Audio file

“A matter of water?” was born from the idea of ​​narrating the marine environment, in all its forms and changes on the occasion of the Nuit de la Culture, in Esch sur Alzette – Luxembourg. But can you imagine? Bringing the sea to Luxembourg? The country where the ocean just doesn’t exist except in the memories of those who live here. 

I almost immediately realized that most of the images of the marine environment that I own in my mind, just stop at the surface, I never wondered if what is below is really as shown in museums, encyclopedias or scientific magazines that I was reading when I was a teenager. In fact, I had the same doubt that many of us have when we hear about global

: “What exactly is going on? Why should we worry? And why should I feel guilty?” 

With this feature I tried to give myself some answers, making a small journey through two of the hottest issues related to global warming and the oceans: the climate migrants and the destruction of marine fauna. I gathered some information from those who know more than me about it: media, literature, music and of course… the oceans.

Produced by Luca Piparo

Contributors: Sandra Laborier, Lars Schmitz, Ben Dratwicki, Stefanie Plank

Poem: Sea is History by Derek Walcott

Recorded in the studios of Radio ARA. 

Sounds extracts used under CC regulation: Radio

, The Guardian, La Repubblica, Discovery

of Sounds in The Oceans

University of Rhode Island, Listening

to the Deep Ocean Environment

Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya.

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