29. 9. 2022 – 15.00

SEZNAM SKLADB ZA 29. 9. 2022 OD 15.00 D0 19.00

  1. Christian kroupa x LCN - The hate that You Preach 

  2. Cavern of Anti-matter - You’re an Art Soul 

  3. Patricia Taxxon - Words’ll 

  4. nikson - farmacija 

  5. Weyes blood - It’s not me it’s everybody 

  6. Radiohead - Where I end and You Begin 

  7. FaltyDL - New Haven  

  8. Igor Božanić - Mila 

  9. tachyon - Tachyon’s in love 

  10. Rush to relax - Običen 

  11. Homeboy Sandman - Omnipresent 

  12. Marka San - Crazy Circus 

  13. Rok Zalokar - People Laugh at You, But you Just Smile 

  14. FLO - Chromed out 

  15. Ihor Tsymbrovsky - By the Sea 

  16. LEYA - Win Some (feat. OKay Kaya) 

  17. Marc Ribot’s Ceramic Dog - Agnes 

  18. Bendik Giske - The Void 

  19. Slowmotion Livestream - 空 

  20. Altin Gün - Ordunun Dereleri 

  21. Arca - Time 

  22. Bicep - Rain

  23. Hodge - Lanes 

  24. Širom - Pári se ovenelo praznoverje

  25. Alabaster dePlume - The World is mine

  26. Ichisan - Tip top 

  27. Đutko - A vidi me sad

  28. Kmet - Last Harvest 

  29. Gisaza - room 7007 

  30. Dean Blunt - War Report

  31. Senking - Closing Eyes 

  32. MARAUDER - Slow dress 

  33. UTO - Steps in the Dark 

  34. Copeland - insult 2 injury 

  35. Tweens - Be mean

  36. N’toko - Time Machines 

  37. Primal Alchemy - burn it down 

  38. .travnik - NU 

  39. Nice Trick - Low concepts 

  40. Working Men's Club - Heart Attack 

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