4. 11. 2012 – 11.00


TU JE AFRIKA! -  a radio show  on everyday living affairs from African perspective!

                               Only on Radio Študent every second Sunday at 11.00.

Tu je Afrika  this Sunday 4. of  November at 11.00!

General idea: To cover everyday living affairs of Africans in Slo&EU and  Africans in Africa

Topics: Politics, Culture, Society, Education, Sports, Entertainment etc.

Concept: To bring closer the Africans situation in Slo&EU and Africa to the African and Slovene audience.

Tu je Afrika show schedule:

Host: RasGeorge

Guests: Baba K, Bishop

Main Topic : Development in Afica

Many Africans believe moving to Western countries will bring them greener pasture. But that has not been the case. From the African perspective, we see that people are leaving Africa because of poor social services, poor education system, and last but not the least bad leadership and corruption. The question is how do we solve these chronic burning issues so that Africans can find social justice, equity, freedom of speach, decent jobs, quality education, better social services and true democracy to enable them stay in their respective countries and enjoy the same that they dream to get in the West. Tu je Afrika crew believe that Africans running away from their homes and countries in search of the unknwon better life in the West is not the way and thus has its own cost in Africa's development. We invite you to join us in our next show to share your ideas and contribute by talking to us.

And of course a lot of good African music...

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