9. 2. 2013 – 20.00


Audio file

V tokratnih DJ grafitih se na Radiu Študent posvečamo skupini Smegma, ameriškim pionirjem svobodnjaškega rocka, ki je na sceni že skorajda 40 let, in ki je med drugim sodelovala z Wild Man Fisherjem, Merzbowom in Wolf Eyes, delila odre z Wipers in drugimi ameriškimi punk zasedbami, ter pomembno vplivala na mnoge generacije noise in avantgardnih glasbenikov … Oddaja je zasnovana kot intervju z vodjo zasedbe Smegma, Erikom Stewartom aka Ju Suk Reet Meateom. Ju Suk je sodeloval tudi pri zasnovi oddaje in je poleg tega pripravil in posodil posnetke zanjo, med  njimi tudi nekaj ekskluzivnih in neizdanih skladb. Potek oddaje sledi kronološkemu sosledju, s poudarkom na 1970-ih in 1980-ih letih, ter na sedanjosti, uvodoma pa se posvečamo tudi  glasbenikom, ki so pomembno vplivali na zasedbo.

In the present show from the DJ Graffiti series on Radio Student, Ljubljana, we are presenting a special feature about pioneering American free rock group Smegma, who are already around for almost forty years. Smegma collaborated with Wild Man Fisher, Merzbow, and Wolf Eyes. They played with Wipers, and influenced many generations of noise and avant-garde musicians from around the world. The show is conceptualized as an interview with Smegma's main force Erick Stewart aka Ju Suk Reet Meate, who also helped with designing the show, and provided the recordings for it, among them also some exclusive and unreleased compositions. It is three hours long, and arranged chronologically, with a focus on group's creativity in the 1970s, 1980s, and the present, and with a short introduction of Smegma's main musical influences.


1. Introduction - talk

2. Captain Beefheart - The Buggy Boogie Woogie (album Lick My Decals Off, Baby, Straight Records 1970) (2:18)

3. Interview 1 (10:16)

4. Frank Zappa & Ray Collins - Fountain Of Love (album The Lost Episodes, Rykodisc 1996) (2:08)

5. Interview 2 (5:24)

6. Charles Mingus - Tonight At Noon (album Tonight At Noon, Atlantic 1961) (6:00) 

7. John Cage - Imaginary Landscape No 1 (album Music Before Revolution, Odeon, 1972) (7:34) 

8. Interview 3 (4:32) 

9. Howling Wolf – 44 (single from Chess label, 1954) (2:49)

10. Smegma - Red Cadillac and a Black Mustache (unissued, recorded in 1975, in Pasadena, CA) (3:24)

11. Interview 4 (4:44) 

12. Smegma - Pigface Chant (EP Pigface Chant, Pigface Records, 1979) 

13. Smegma - Abacus Incognito (unissued, recorded in 1974, in Temple City, CA) (5:58) 

13. Interview 5 (7:48)

14. Interview 6 (4:26)

15. Wild Man Fischer & Smegma - As I did then (album Wild Man Fischer & Smegma Sing Popular Songs; Birdman Records, 1996; recorded in Pasadena, CA, in 1975) (4:22) 

15. 15 Interview 7 (13:03)

16. Smegma - Mutant Baby (compilation album History of Portland Punk, Zeno Records, 2000) (4:41) 

17. Lo Tek - Running Dog (compilation album History of Portland Punk, Zeno Records, 2000) 

18. Neo Boys - Running in the shadows (compilation album History of Portland Punk, Zeno Records, 2000) (3:29) 

19. Lee Rockey - Brass Ring EDIT (unissued, recorded in 1982?, in Portland, OR) (5:59) 

20. Interview 8 (12:05) 

21. Interview 9 (2:56) 

22. The Tenses with Giggles - The Tenses With Giggles 2 (The Tenses with Giggles tour cassette;  Pigface Records 015, 2012; recorded in Portland, OR, in 2011)(18:31) 

23. Interview 10 (8:16) 

24. Smegma - It's Just the Beginning (album Wild Blue Yonders, Ideal 2012) (4:13) 

25. Ju suk/Smegma - All Straws 1972 Temple City and Al Straws 2012 Vasteras (edited mix; unissued; recorded in Temple City, CA, 1974, and Vasteras, Sweden, 2012) (4:06)

26. Outro - talk

27. Ju Suk Reet Meate – (album Solo 78 / 79 aka Do Unseen Hands Keep You Dumb?, Pigface Records 1980 / De Stijl 2007) (17:31)

28. Smegma - F-85 Turbo Rocket (album Mirage, Important 2010) (2:26)

29. Smegma - Mirage (album Mirage, Important 2010) (7:10)


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