14. 9. 2019 – 20.00

The Cramps: Once upon a time there was a band, Pt. 2

Audio file

Once Upon A Time There Was A Band, Pt. 2

The Cramps

The New Testament of Rock'n'Roll

A Radio Doc by Captain Soul

with participation of Jamie Hince, Kitten de Ville, Ray Hanson, Marin Rosić, Jim Jones, Zoran Kostić Cane, Peter Aaron, Jean Marc Barbieux, Paul Rambali, Alain Feydri, Jim Chandler, David Arnoff, Louis-Stëpahne Ulysse, Nigel Reeve, Goran Bare, Jon Spencer, Kevin Patrick, Larry Hardy, Aleksandar Dragaš

and starring Lux Interior.

Edited by Jure Anžiček.

Voice contribution by Ana Marija Garafol.

English voiceover by Chris Eckman.

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