30. 9. 2020 – 23.00

D-liga #45

Audio file
Vir: Lastni vir
  1. Antichrist – Sinful Birth – B2 33rpm

  2. Hexecutor - Visitation Of A Lascivious Entity – A3 33rpm

  3. Deathhammer – Omen Of The Beast – side power 4 33rpm

  4. Vigilance – Hammer Of Satan Venegeance – A2 33rpm

  5. Rapid – Ancient Force – A1 45Rpm!!!

  6. Parasytic – Poison Minds – B2 (04:46) 33rpm

  7. Limb From Limb – Final Unholy Judgment B5 33rpm

  8. Nuclear Death Terror – World Enslaced – A1 33rpm (4:02)

  9. Hellshock – To Whom They Scream – A3 33rpm

  10. Giuda – Cani Randagi – A1 33rpm

  11. Doom Siren – Gun Drone - Doom Siren stran 1 33rpm

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