1. 10. 2019 – 23.00

Change The Reality

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 1 8 7 / 1 4 6 2 torek, 1/10. 2019. ob 23-ih

Sedition znova igrajo, reizdali so svoj prvi demo. Novosti s Švedske z Misantropic in Warchild. Frišni EP in reizdajo prve plošče imajo Warhead (foto) iz Kyota, nov album pa njihovi rojaki Nightmare. Nov EP so dobili crusterji Alement iz Philadelphie. Od koncertov: Storm of Sedition, Dead Hunt, Strick, Hellcrawler in Morne.


SEDITION - Demo 1989 7"EP (2019)

– TV Sickness

– Why Fur?

MISANTROPIC - "Catharsis" (2019)

– Feel No Pity

WARCHILD - "No Victory In Death" EP (2019)

– Twist Of A Knife

WARHEAD - "Change the reality" EP (2019) + "Cry of Truth" EP (2019/1989)

– Change The Reality

– Fight With No Fear

– Your On Crime

– Cry Of Truth

NIGHTMARE - "Thirsty and wander" LP (2019)

– Black Earth

Just Broken Now

– Liberation of Truth

ALEMENT - "Onward" EP (2019)

– Seas Of Consequences

– Dwell

STRICK - "Selektion" EP (2018)

– Dessau

– Leistungzwang

DEAD HUNT - s/t LP (2018, Agi Punk)

– Dead Hunt/Mind Pollution

HELLCRAWLER - "Sandstorm Chronicles" (2016)

– The Last City Of Seiyn

STORM OF SEDITION - "Howl of Dynamite" LP (2019)

– Illegalist

MORNE - "Rust" LP (2019)

– Truth is Light

– Sears

Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 3. 10. Ljubljana, Gromka: Storm of Sedtion, Hellcrawler;

(petek) 4. 10. Pula, Monte Paradiso Hacklab: Strick, Dead Hunt;

(sobota) 5. 10. Ljubljana, Gromka – Morne, Goragorja;


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