25. 9. 2019 – 20.00

The One

Audio file

A FRIENDS poem by Akshata Shenoy

A purple door with a yellow frame,

Flooding in altogether the memories came.

From 'the one where it all began' upto 'the last one'

It was all tremendous fun.

I laughed, i cried.

To be like them, immensely I tried!

I wish I could sing like Phoebe,

Though she sounded a little creepy!

Look like Rachel,love like Ross

And cook like Monica, the lady boss

With Chandler being all sarcastic and punny,

I wish i could be half as funny.

Joey, the biggest teddy bear;

His 'how you doin?' was magical, i swear

Through all 10 seasons and 236 episodes

I learnt how to walk through life's tough roads.

6 loving friends who had a lot to give

Taught me to love and most impotantly to 'live'.

Joey,Phoebe,Ross,Rachel,Monica and Chandler,

The immortal characters live forever n ever

Flooding in altogether the memories came,

The purple door with the yellow frame.

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